Emera East Coast Energy Conference Panel: “Challenges, Opportunities & Choices” June 15, 2016
Emera Corporate Strategy Environmental Regs & Standards Social & Political Demand Fuel-Source Diversification Energy Independence & Stability MARKET OPPORTUNITY: Demand For Cleaner Affordable Energy DRIVERS EMERA STRATEGY: Leverage the unique linkages and adjacencies of Emera’s assets, capabilities & relationships to create growth and development opportunities. Renewables Transmission (renewables to market) Gas Generation and Transportation Utilities FOCUS
Emera’s strategy in action: Nova Scotia’s Transition to Renewables
Next logical strategic step: Helping Create the Grid of the Future
Nova Scotia Initiatives
Barbados Initiative
LOWER CHURCHILL Phase 1 and Maritime Link Churchill Falls MUSKRAT FALLS (MF) GENERATION & LABRADOR TRANSMISSION (LTA) $4.6 billion project value 824 MW hydroelectric facility 4.9 TWh/yr 100% Nalcor owned Gull Island Muskrat Falls LABRADOR ISLAND LINK (LIL) $3.1billion project value 900 MW capacity 1,100 km Emera to invest ≈ $410 million for ≈ 59% partnership capital of LIL Bottom Brook Cape Ray MARITIME LINK (ML) $1.577 billion project value 500 MW capacity 170 km undersea link 100% Emera owned for 35 years Granite Canal Soldier’s Point Point Aconi Utility Service Area 7 7