CMS-IHEP/Beijing weekly meeting


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Presentation transcript:

CMS-IHEP/Beijing weekly meeting Work progress J. Tao CMS-IHEP/Beijing weekly meeting 2008.09.05

Introduction Kine. Cut selection (irreducible bkgs) JET/MET information Photon Isolation: TMVA for NNiso Event Optimization Ongoing

gg fusion H→γγ cross section: 80.2 pb Sig. counting calculation with only kinematic cut on irreducible bkgs: box & born gg fusion H→γγ cross section: 80.2 pb Photon PT Cut Max. s/b (%) LLR (1 fb^-1) Scl L needed by 5σ discovery(fb^-1) Signal evt left (tot: 253191) Min. Max. 20 8.7224 1.2488 1.5804 10.0097 163930 30 8.9621 1.2752 1.5970 9.8023 162637 40 10.6295 1.4265 1.6891 8.7628 155759 50 13.1425 1.5737 1.7728 7.9548 139855 9.7149 1.2553 1.5845 9.9574 147021 10.6502 1.3398 1.6369 9.3301 143470 13.0043 1.4694 1.7143 8.5071 130229 11.4520 1.1640 1.5258 10.7386 115268 13.0469 1.2237 1.5644 10.2148 108658 13.4497 0.7789 1.2482 16.0474 66651 55 14.5173 1.5808 1.7781 7.9072 125896 60 17.2186 1.5510 1.7612 8.05956 103282 25 13.0585 1.5329 1.7509 8.1547 135957 14.3641 1.5390 1.7544 8.1221 122457 22.5 10.6373 1.4123 1.6806 8.8511 153520 13.0998 1.5537 1.7628 8.0453 138090 (54.54%) 14.4567 1.5627 1.7679 7.9992 124353 (49.11%) 17.1547 1.5323 1.7506 8.1578 101942

Inv. Mass with only kin. cut irreducible bkgs all bkgs 22.5 50 22.5 50 22.5 55 22.5 55

Jets/MET information PT of 2 highest PT jets except the jets including these two photons Sun ET of all jets except the jets including these two photons Used as inputs of Event Optimization training

PT fraction of photons in jets Used as inputs of Photon Isolation training selected two highest ET photons with PT>20 and |Eta|<2.5 When caculstion the PT fraction of photons in jets, using the jets which include the photons Used as input of Event Optimization training

MET Used as input of Event Optimization training

NNiso of Photon Selection: ET>20GeV, |η|<2.5, 2 highest ET Reco. Photons 2 samples: signal (163932x2 γ) & Jets_Pt50up (100133x2) (100000 Photons candidates for training, rest for test) Try 3 times in TMVA : 1. 7 inputs : 2. 13 inputs: 3. 19 inputs: , IBarrel(0,1), ICconverted (0,1), , IBarrel(0,1), ICconverted (0,1), , IBarrel(0,1), ICconverted (0,1),

NNiso : Signal eff v.s. bkg rejection

TMVA Isolation: BDT result (19 inputs)

TMV_BDT Isolation applied to all channels

TMVA for Event Optimization Selection: ET>20GeV, |η|<2.5, 2 highest ET Reco. Photons 2 samples: signal (163930) & Jets_Pt50up (100133) (100000/70000 events for training, rest for test) 11 inputs : NNiso1 NNiso2 Et1/M Et2/M |η1-η2| PL of 2 Gamma Max PT of Jets excluding the selected 2 photons Second PT of Jets excluding the selected 2 photons Sum PT of all Jets excluding the selected 2 photons MET Sum PT of the selected 2 photons over sum PT of 2 jets including the selected 2 photons

NN Optimization inputs (I)

NN Optimization inputs (II)

NN Optimization: inputs correlation - signal

NN Optimization: inputs correlation - Jets

NN Optimization: TMVA_BDT results

TMV_BDT Optimization applied to all channels

TMV_BDT Otimization cut on Inv. Mass: Signal BDT out>0.6 82619/253191=32.64% BDT out>0.6 PT1>40 & PT2>35

TMV_BDT Otimization cut on Inv. Mass (1 fb^-1) BDT out>0.6 PT1>40 & PT2>35 With PTDR Cut-based Jets: reduced GammaJet: 1. Process production 2. Event Optimize training use only sig + jets No stack

γ+ Jet 1. Brem. PYTHIA : qg->gq, qq->gg with the second prompt photon selected. ISR/FSR DIPHOX: qg->gq (q->gq’ brem.), qg->gq (q->g fragmentation) qq->gg (g->g fragmentation) irreducible PYTHIA : qg->gq with g + p0 signature. ISR/FSR; no mult. int. DIPHOX: qg->gq at NLO with q->p0 fragmenation 2. g+j,jp0

Background: γ+ Jet

Ongoing TMVA Event Optimization Selection: ET>20GeV, |η|<2.5, 2 highest ET Reco. Photons Training with all samples: weighted event with 1 fb^-1 NNiso cut before optimization training (NN>-0.2) 11 inputs : Question: Apply in the same sample: signal+backgrounds NNiso1 NNiso2 Et1/M Et2/M |η1-η2| PL of 2 Gamma Max PT of Jets excluding the selected 2 photons Second PT of Jets excluding the selected 2 photons Sum PT of all Jets excluding the selected 2 photons MET Sum PT of the selected 2 photons over sum PT of 2 jets including the selected 2 photons Ongoing

TMVA Opt. out v.s. NNiso1, NNiso2 Signal GammaJet Signal GammaJet

Event Optimization inputs: All channels


PT/Eta of 2 highest PT jets except the jets including these two photons

# Rec. Jets including the Photon-jets

NN Isolation inputs (I)

NN Isolation inputs (II)

NN Isolation inputs (III)

NN Isolation inputs (IV)

NN Isolation inputs correlation: signal

NN Isolation inputs correlation: Jets