Shelton School District Career and Technical Education Program 31 2010-11 Annual Report Director: Pat Cusack
CTE Program Areas Business Education Family Consumer Science Over 60 different classes in: Business Education Family Consumer Science Technical Education Natural Resources Agriculture Education New Market Skills Center offers 20 additional classes
New CTE programs @ OBJH Serving 9th grade American Sign Language Marketing
5 year CTE program plans (sample included in board packet) Includes key aspects of CTE programs Curriculum review, EALR’s & GLE’s Materials, equipment, facilities, community involvement, tech prep, student leadership, and professional development.
Enrollment District-wide over 2,150 students a day participate in CTE classes (Duplicate count) SHS = 1,470 OBJH = 780 CHOICE = 60 New Market Skills Center 44
CTE revenue sources 2010-11 State (OSPI) 2.5 million Federal (Carl D. Perkins grant) $45,275 Tech Prep from SPSCC $2,000
“Value Added” CTE Programs College credit via: Tech Prep Over 700 college credits earned in 2009-10 saving thousands of dollars in tuition, books and fees. Olympic College South Puget Sound CC
School Board Goal: Reading New and enhanced reading libraries will be added to CTE programs. PLC time will be dedicated to improving student performance in reading. CTE teachers will participate in workshops for reading in the content area.
School Board Goal: Math PLC time has begun to address the goal of improving math scores by 10% A team of CTE and math teachers are scheduled for the Nov. 4-5 “Breaking Down Silos” conference. Math in the content area will be communicated to all CTE students.
School Board Goal: Graduation rate More relevant and engaging CTE classes have been added at OBJH College Tech Prep credit will be expanded providing more opportunities for students to earn college credit. Emphasis on developing positive and caring relations with students.
Career Expo November 3rd @ SHS Over 40 vendors with table displays! 10 Breakout sessions in various career pathways! Participation from SHS, Olympic College, OBJH, CHOICE and Mary M. Knight High School Students experience basic career readiness activities like; dressing for success, hand shaking, seeking job and career information etc. For many this is a highlight of their high school career.
Advisory Committees A key component of all CTE programs is local and general advisory committees. In Shelton we maintain 9 local committees made up from business and industry experts, students, parents and in some cases higher education reps. Shelton S.D. is a member of the general South Sound Council a 2 county consortium of CTE programs.
Student FTE History 2001-02 276 2002-03 278 2003-04 292 2004-05 330 2001-02 276 2002-03 278 2003-04 292 2004-05 330 2005-06 364 2006-07 369 2007-08 375 2008-09 368 2009-10 400 2010-10 417 Sept. count
Program 31 (CTE) Revenue 2000-01 1.23 mil. 2001-02 1.29 mil.
Program of Study As required by the Federal Carl D. Perkins Act in partnership with local community colleges. A guidance tool that illustrates potential pathways to post-secondary training and/or career. Includes academic courses in combination with CTE classes and misc. activities that lead to a successful high school experience. (sample in board packet)
Industry Certifications Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) SP2 Safety Training All Data (Automotive) NAPA Electrical Systems Pro (Auto) NCCER Carpentry & Welding
Business/Community Partnerships 250 local and regional organizations provide support for CTE programs. Support includes: Classroom volunteers, advisory committee members, employers, internships, scholarships and donations.
New Market Skills Center Current enrollment SHS 44 students CHOICE School has 7 Students study in a wide variety of programs, usually something different or not offered in Shelton.