Research team: Dr Mei-Li Roberts, Hannah Bell & Lesley Connaghan An investigation into the transition, bridging and attainment of HNC students into 2nd year BA (Hons) Child and Youth Studies. Research team: Dr Mei-Li Roberts, Hannah Bell & Lesley Connaghan Context and purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to understand the student’s transition experiences, as well as looking at attainment and achievement statistics to analyse the impact of direct entry into the 2nd year of the BA (Hons) Child and Youth Studies Degree. We are examining how this direct entry route impacts the student’s preparation for degree study and make comparisons with those students who come on to the Degree at entry level. Articulation pathways are a key aspect of Scottish Government’s widening access agenda (2015), therefore an analysis of students’ experiences of this articulation and their retention and attainment is timely. The student transition experience is an important aspect of retention and attainment, for instance Howieson and Croxford (2011: 35) comment on the benefits of students’ experiencing the “university approach” while at college. Therefore in order to look at the current preparation for bridging from HNC onto degree, we specifically analysed the trends for attainment in terms of the different infill modules that students undertake. . BA (Hons) Child & Youth Studies degree: transitions and graduate destinations The minimum entry requirements for the degree are 3 Highers at C or above. In addition we also have entrants with other qualification such as HNC or SVQ3. We also have a number of direct entrants from HNC study in areas such as Early Education and Childcare (now Childhood Practice) and HNC Social Care (now Social Services, as well as transitioning from other degree programmes. Students may transition as part of progression within UHI or come with credit transfer from other institutions. We provide preparation for degree study in the form of bridging modules when students’ university or college qualifications are not at the required level for entry. Recommended Prior Learning (RPL) is also accepted for entry in order to recognise learning that has come from experience and/or previous formal learning (as seen in the figure below). Graduate destinations are commonly into postgraduate study such as the PGDE primary education teaching qualification, the MSW in Social Work or the MEd in Community Learning & Development. Routes into 2nd year Progression from Level 7 of the degree Entry into 2nd year with an HNC in Early Education and Childcare from UHI Entry into 2nd year with a non-UHI HNC Early Education and Childcare/Childhood Practice Entry into 2nd year with other credit transfer, e.g. from other degree studies Initial results from the 2015/16 2nd year cohort 1st year full-time- 78 students transitioned. The average mark was 45. The lowest mark excluding non-submissions was 26 and the highest mark 75. 2nd year full-time, UHI HNC Early Education and Childcare and HNC Social Care, direct entrants (all) 38 students transitioned. The average mark was 49. The lowest mark excluding non submissions was 39 and the highest mark 73. 2nd year full-time, direct entrants (this includes other credit transfers from other institutions) 10 students transitioned. The average mark was 37. The lowest mark excluding non-submissions was 43 and the highest mark 71. Summary: No significant differences. However, there is a small difference in average marks between the HNC Early Education and Childcare 2nd year direct entrants (average 52) and the HNC Social Care 2nd year direct entrants (average 41). We are currently inputting results over a 5 year period to analyse any significant trends. Methodology and Data Collection A mixed-method approach consisting of: • A literature review to examine past and current research on transitions from HNC to degree study. • Quantitative data from relevant students’ records in order to analyse statistical trends. • Four focus groups to complement the learning analytic data comprising of: (1)UHI HNC students enrolled on the first year of the degree; (2) UHI HNC direct entrants into 2nd year; (3) HNC direct entrants into 2nd year from other institutions and; (4) 2nd year direct entrants with other qualifications. Topics covered include: what support/induction is needed in transitioning from HNC to Level 8 degree online, whether the current UHI infill modules taken in Level 7 are appropriate, why do some HNC students not progress to the degree. All focus groups will be audio or video recorded and transcribed. • An online survey comprising quantitative and qualitative questions on transitions. • Quantitative and qualitative data from 2015-16 module evaluation surveys. References: Howieson, C. and Croxford, L. (2011) Students’ Experience of the Transition from HN to Degree Study: Final Report to ELRAH. Centre for Educational Sociology, University of Edinburgh.