Project 3: Energy Car Duration: 6 cycles
Project 3: Energy Car Design Brief: The power of a car is come from the engine. No matter it is petrol engine, diesel engine or electrical engine, is also the process of changing energy. Try to use a steel wire to store the energy for providing power to the car.
Project 3: Energy Car Requirement: The steel wire is the only energy provider, no other power is allowed. The steel wire must be the part of the car, not to be a shooter.
Project 3: Energy Car Requirement: 3. There is no size limit for the car. You may put materials in your design other than provided. 4. Longer distance running is recorded, higher mark will be given.
Project 3: Energy Car Material provided: Balsa, 900 x 10 x 10mm Foam Board (High density rubber foam), 5mm thickness Steel wire, 17 swg (Ø1.4mm) Cotton string Wooden rod, Ø5mm Hot glue Cable ties
Project 3: Energy Car Assessment criteria: Product: Appearance – 30% Distance run – 70% Folio: Full steps – 50% Show ideas clearly– 30% Drawing quality – 20%
What is Energy Car ? Reference :
Project 3: Energy Car Friction Energy storage: Steel Wire Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Resistance: Friction
How to make it running farthest distance? ~ Increase the effective length of the wire ~ Increase the diameter of the driving wheel
2. Lighten the weight of the materials
Useful Information Driving wheels
Useful Information Driving wheels
(suitable for starting) Useful Information Torsion Lowest Greatest (suitable for starting)
Useful Information Keep running along the straight line.