“Adaptability and Flexibility” John Styffe Self-Sustainability - A better way of working www.self-sustainability.ch john.styffe@gmail.com John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Today, the new way of conducting business is fast paced and constantly changing. 2. It is disruptive to the old ways. 3. If one is too survive then one needs to be adaptable and flexible. 4. Unfortunately many people become stuck and are unable to let go. 5. Adaptability is not a quality, it is a skill that can be learned. John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Adaptability The ability to able to change or be changed in order to fit or work better in some situation or for some purpose. John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Being Stuck Being stuck is a state of mind. It is ways of working and living. It reflects the way our brains function. We can change the way we think – change our brain states. Show you how. John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training We see how the brain functions – objectivity. It is not about us but about how our brain is wired. That we can change how our brain functions. John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Self Sustainability a Way of Working Task Task Rest Rest Rest Self Sustainability Pattern = Brain States Time John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Functional Neuroanatomy - Rich Club John Styffe - Coaching and Training
High alert, anxious, busy Brain Frequency Type Frequency (Hz) State of Mind Delta Up to 4 Hz Sleep or zoned out Theta 4 – 7 Hz Drowsy, unfocussed Alpha 8 – 11 Hz Relaxed, reflection, open, awareness,rest Middle Beta 12 – 18 Hz Alert, concentration, focussed, tasking High Beta 19 – 40 Hz High alert, anxious, busy John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Brain Mapping – Quantitative Electroencephalograph John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Sustainable Way of Working Frequency Task Task Beta Rest Rest Rest Alpha Objective – Turn on and off Time EFFORTLESSLY John Styffe - Coaching and Training
States of Mind during Stress Frequency High Beta Middle Beta Alpha Time John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Multi-tasking Multitasking - Sustainable? Crash or Burnout Unsustainable state of mind Non functioning John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Can We Change Our States of Mind? QEEG/measurement of an individual with high anxiety Day One After neurofeedback training John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Brain Frequency and Responses High Beta Middle Beta Alpha Body Energy Draining Energy saving mode Recharging Muscle Tense Flexible Relaxed Breath Rate Fast Normal Calm Heart Rate Slow Blood Pressure High Low Digestion Poor Okay Good Vision Narrow, diffuse Focused Wide, open Mind Detailed, busy, unaware, narrow, inflexible Attentive, focused, state of flow Wide perspective, clear, flexible, aware adaptable non adaptable Emotions Negative, fearful, angry, controlling Neutral Positive, calm, John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Benefits of Middle Beta and Alpha States Better perspective More flexible Adaptable More innovative and creative Listen better Objective - less emotional More productive Respond appropriately Communicate better Self sustainable Contribute better to your community be it friends, family or your team John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training How We now see the benefits of changing our states of mind. We now know that we can changes our states of mind But how ? John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training How do we begin to change our states? Training and practice Frequency RNR Recognize Neutralize Beta Reflect Self Regulation Alpha Time John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Challenge to RNR 1. Simplicity 2. Boring 3. Time 4. Practice – repetition John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Adaptabilty Is a state of mind. Adapt ability a skill. Way of living. Its how our brains are wired. Nothing to do with who we or with intelligence. How nice we are. Where we are from. Adaptable means that we can change a way of doing something. A way of living and working. How our brain functions. John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. SELF Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. SELF John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Agile Principle “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behaviour accordingly.” To do this the individuals need to change their state of mind so that they can have a different perspective. John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Agile Principle Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. You need to take responsibility so that you can maintain this pace! John Styffe - Coaching and Training
Agile Scrum Task Retrospective Sprint Retrospective Sprint Frequency Rest Task Rest Task Rest Retrospective Sprint Retrospective Sprint Retrospective Agile Time Copyright John Styffe
Self Sustainable Individuals They are independent, self reliant, self confident and self responsible. Objective is to work on themselves so that they can better contribute to their communities. Agile is about organisations supporting and encouraging people in their self determination. John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Self Sustainability Is a selfish way with the objective of a better contribution to our communities, be it the family, friends, or the team at work . John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Simple Yes. Easy No Obstacles Stuck in states of mind/rigid. Comfort Zone is sign of weakness and keeps people there. Culture/mindset of hero stress and busyness. Not beleiveing in change. Fear of letting go of control. Fear of not being able to get back on task . Addicted to stimulation. We do not believe we can change. Conforming to environment Self judgement – guilt, shame, fear of failure, being wrong or seen as broken. John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Conclusion Recognize by listening to your messages that you need to change your patterns/states of mind/way you work. There is nothing wrong with you. Ask for help or guidance. Find a place that supports your self sustainability. Respect yourself as an important resourse that should not be abused. John Styffe - Coaching and Training
John Styffe - Coaching and Training Conclusion Affect our own states of mind Affect the states of mind of others Thus affecting the mind set John Styffe - Coaching and Training