ENGINEERING PLUMBING AND SANITATION Compiles Cost Estimate and Shopping ( RAB) Work Plumbing
BUDGET CALCULATION PURPOSE OF INSTRUCTIONAL PUBLIC : Students get the picture basis calculation budget and plan budget at one particular work of plate and pipe that is simple. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
PURPOSE OF SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL : Students earn : 1.Mention factors becoming consideration in making calculation budget. 2.Calculate decrement of the price from a device/ engine every knowing it is carefully Teknologi dan Rekayasa
BUDGET CALCULATION BASIS Basically cost estimate expense is the most important thing in executing of making a work. Blocks in budget mean us to estimate price a substance which we would create accurately and carefully. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Some things we need: 1. Analysis book 2. Price factor of material 3. The price of worker fee 4. Security and safety in work place 5. Transport material to work place Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Things we need to know : 1. Price decrement of engine : Every engine utilized will surely become breakdown, on that account was function of time Teknologi dan Rekayasa
II. Goverment Tax Every works must pay [for] at government equal to so much percentage of the price / offer. This tax for Indonesia in the form of Pajak Penambahan Nilai ( PPN ) and level determined by government is equal to 5%. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
To be more sharpness let us see the example of decrement price from an engine : The price of a new engine Rp. 200.000 Decrement after 1 thorium. 10 % out of Rp. 200.000= Rp. 20.000 The price in year to 2 Rp. 180.000 Decrement after 2 thorium. 10% out of Rp. 200.000 = Rp. 20.000 The price in year 3. Rp. 160.000 Decrement after 3 thorium. 10% out of Rp. 200.000 = Rp. 20.000 And so on It is of course after 10 thorium. The engine had not been valuable again Teknologi dan Rekayasa
III. Calculation Basis of Material Fare and Fee : 1.The price of cleanness material. The price of clean material is gotten from material price list obtained in marketing. Its reckoned from material is required to every work unit then in amounts. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
2. Clean work fare Covers fare clear of all works is done namely tool kit usage, transport to face, marks, measure which will be done Teknologi dan Rekayasa
3. Contingency from material . Considered based on things : Stowage, equipment, makes go down in place of work, damage, reminisce material which castaway, loses, material inventories, control, bookkeeping system. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
4. Contingency from fare. Covers special requirement for our workers. For example : when lebaran, has a baby, married, bonus salary, sick Teknologi dan Rekayasa
5. Risk and advantage Risk that is possible for us are natural if for example : flooding, usage of new material, usage of new device, direct action worker, new engineering energy. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
6. Government tax. Tax which must be paid at government every work we do. In Indonesia in the form of PPN Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Price fixing : Contingency from material = 30% from the price of clean material Contingency from fare = 100% from clean fare Risk and advantage = 10% from subtotal 1 The Government Tax PPN = 5% from subtotal 2 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
EXAMPLE OF 1 : Price calculation of material : The price of cleanness material Rp. 1,00 Contingency from material 30% Rp. 0,30 Total sub 1 Rp. 1,30 Risk and advantage 10% Rp. 0,13 Total sub 2 Rp. 1,43 PPN 5% Rp. 0,07 The price of dirty material Rp. 1,50 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Calculation of Fare : Cleanness fare Rp. 1,00 Contingencies from fare 100% Rp. 1,00 Total subs 1 Rp. 2,00 esiko and advantage 10% Rp. 0,20 Total subs 2 Rp. 2,20 PPN 5% Rp. 0,11 Dirty fares Rp. 2,31 Teknologi dan Rekayasa
EXAMPLE OF PROBLEM : 1.How much/many % decrement the price per year. a grinding machine the price Rp 600000. Appraised the engine having age 8 year. How much the price of the engine in year to 3 ? 2.After 5 year with the price of derivation of 5% from new price, nitrogen the price of from an engine Rp 640000. New price calculate from the engine ! Teknologi dan Rekayasa
SAFE DOES Teknologi dan Rekayasa