19-20.9.2016 6th eRegions Conference 2016 Castle Jable, Slovenia Borderless view Gimnazija Murska Sobota & Körmendi Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium 19-20.9.2016 6th eRegions Conference 2016 Castle Jable, Slovenia
Gimnazija Murska Sobota Romana Vogrinčič Nikolaj Horvat, Nejc Benkovič
is performing a secondary school program in general and sports classes, 398 pupils are involved in 16 classes. students are taught by 40 teaching staff. Education at our school is concluded with a general baccalaureate in the compulsory subjects ( Slovenian language , mathematics and foreign language ) and two optional subjects . ( English, German, Spanish, geography, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, biology, chemistry, physics, informatics) We were involved in several international projects : Comenius Exchange , IAAC , exchange students from Maasluis ( Netherlands ) - etc…
Körmendi Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium Kovács Krisztina, Varga Katalin Kalamár Krisztina, Tornyos Ádám
We have about 160 students in 7 classes, who are taught by 19 teachers Our school offers 2 types of secondary education to students - with 4 year classes : General secondary grammar school education Since this term we offer an advanced level education in foreign languages (in German or in English) Students attend more language classes in one of their chosen languages ( English or German ) We have achieved great success in national and regional competitions and in sport events: Participation in regional and national competitions (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, foreign languages) Participation in sport events – both regional and national (swimming, basketball, football) Participation in the Intellectual Olympics
We had several successful international programmes and cooperation : Socrates – student exchanges, environmental projects Comenius – visits to England, Wales, France, Denmark, Portugal, Poland Partner town cooperation – student exchanges, visits to Germany and to The Netherlands We organize varied cultural events
Idea of prototype of project We want our students to improve communication using the English language For that purpose we would perform a few activities together Even if we never make through the project Schools would cooperate and students would get some incredible experience
What we plan to do? Virtual classrooms students will keep contact on the Internet (chatting): discussion of the given already learnt topics with their partners Preparing a ‘portfolio’ about what they have got to know about one another (cultural, educational, etc. differences and similarities) one “video conference” class at the end of the year evaluation of progress Improving partnership through: history (castles of the towns), cultural events (Europe Days, Körmend Town Days), sporting events Virtual class room: KFG Students presents how they imagine virtual cooperation and communication to perform Research work: GMS students will present what kind a research work we want to make toegther
What we plan to do? Research work How many high students migrate every day to visit schools over our Country borders? How did that number increase in the last 5 years? What are the reasons? Do we see any solutions? Virtual class room: KFG Students presents how they imagine virtual cooperation and communication to perform Research work: GMS students will present what kind a research work we want to make toegther
Körmendi Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium Presented by: Gimnazija Murska Sobota Romana Vogrinčič, romana.vogrincic@guest.arnes.si Nikolaj Horvat, nikolaj.horvat42@gmail.com Nejc Benkovič, nejc.benkovic99@gmail.com Körmendi Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium Kovács Krisztina, kovacsk33@gmail.com Varga Katalin, varkotyka@gmail.com Kalamár Krisztina, kalamarkrisztina@freemail.hu Tornyos Ádám, adamtornyos@gmail.com