Betty Warmack Summer Reading Club 2017 Volunteer Orientation WILD ABOUT READING Betty Warmack Summer Reading Club 2017 Volunteer Orientation
Better impact Volunteers go to: Type in your user name & password You can… Check your hours Check you schedule Check to see what other shifts are available
Your volunteer coordinators Leanne Posey 972-237-5741 Linda Laib 972-237-5798 **Please sign our sheet giving permission to receive quick text messages from the library through “Remind 101”
Before you can volunteer Please make sure you have submitted your complete volunteer application. Forms can be found on the library’s website under “How do I?” & “Volunteer at the Library” If you are under 18 years, make sure your parents have signed a “parent consent” form. You must print it out & have them sign & scan it or you may also turn in the signed consent form at our circulation desk (we have blank copies). If you are over 18 years old, you cannot volunteer until you have completed a background check.
Volunteer Guidelines Follow school dress code and no open toed shoes. No eating allowed in the library. You are allowed a covered beverage. Be friendly and respectful to all patrons treating them as customers. Volunteers must stay at their assigned “post” during their scheduled time. Be professional with your peers and fellow volunteers. No texting or using cell phones
Volunteer Schedules 2 hour increments 4 hour shift maximum per day (no breaks provided) Library hours of operation: Monday through Thursday: 10am-*8:00pm Friday & Saturday: 10am-*6:00pm Sunday: 1-*5:00pm *Shifts end ½ hour before closing
Shift Options SRC AMBASSADOR Attend the SRC table promoting the Summer Reading Club program, passing out reading logs, brochures, & prizes Alphabetizing book carts, straightening shelves, stamping, counting, bundling, or other assigned tasks SRC PROGRAM AMBASSADOR Assist with Monday presentations…set-up, clean-up, pass out tickets & help monitor the attendees SRC MOVIE PROGRAM ASSISTANT Set-up, clean-up & monitor Wednesday children’s movies SRC STORY PROGRAM ASSISTANT Help set up and clean up for story programs on Wednesday or Friday, facilitate learning stations with parents and children, pass out info SRC TEEN PROGRAM ASSISTANT Help set up and clean up programs, help explain programs, answer general SRC questions, and other duties as assigned You may sign up for your first choice, but may be assigned to a different responsibility depending on the needs of the day
Summer Reading Club Theme: Wild About Reading Dates: June 3rd (Kickoff at Main Library) August 19th (Closing Ceremony at Main) Children, Teens and Adults are all encouraged to turn in 5-hour reading logs to win (or be entered to win) a prize. Children’s (birth-12) Programs: Performers every Monday @ 3pm…petting zoo, Yo Yo Science, Zumba, Marionettes, Yoga, Singer/Songwriter, African Drum & Dance and more Teen: Weekly programs at each branch…color water fight, Mystery Craft, Minute to Win It, Nerf Capture the Flag, Giant Games…(pick up a schedule) Adult: Globally themed programs…
Prize Options Children: a prize assortment for every 5 hour log turned in Ice cream, Chipotle, swim pass, Air Hogs, Legoland, Fort Worth Museum of Science & History, treasure chest (starting July 1st) Teen: Turn in 5 hour log, option of a food voucher or an entry for weekly prize pack drawings. Each additional log earns another entry. Prize pack themes include books, movies, art, STEM, anime, sports Top 3 teen readers will get a Barnes & Noble gift card Adults: enter to win with every log Grand Prize at each branch: iPad mini
Credit for Volunteering YOU WILL SIGN-IN EACH TIME YOU VOLUNTEER. The notebook will be at the circulation desk. This is how we keep track of your hours. MAKE SURE TO HAVE US SIGN YOUR VOLUNTEER RECORD SHEET or ASK ABOUT AN ‘END OF SUMMER’ HOURS CERTIFICATE
What would you do if… A child loses a log? Give them a new log to fill out and let them check off all hours they have read How many logs can a person fill out? As many as they would like! You get a patron that only speaks Spanish? Provide them with the Spanish resources we have. Ask staff if we have a Spanish speaker working.
What would you do if… You are sick the day of your scheduled shift? Call the circulation desk: Warmack: 972.237.5770 Linda Laib is your main contact person 972-237-5798 Your parents need to get in touch with you? They may call the circulation desk or leave you a voicemail on your phone. If you don’t know the answer to a question, please just reach out to library staff for help.
We appreciate you!