INTRODUCTION This is a rickettsial disease caused by Ehrlichia canis and is characterized by pancytopenia. The parasite is found in the intracellular of monocytes and other mononuclear cells eg. Lymphocytes. The disease is transmitted transtadially by Rhipicephalus sanguineus.
CLINICAL SIGNS The clinical manifestation is variable depending on the stage of the disease, immune status of the animal and the breed infected. It occurs in sub-clinical, acute and chronic forms. SUB-CLINICAL FORM: Is mild form without obvious clinical signs, and is most common in mongrels.
ACUTE FORM It is the severe form with sudden onset of depression, anorexia, very high fever, and emesis within one or two days. There is mucopurulent nasal and occular discharges. The mucous membrane is usually congested and may be pale in few cases. The lymph nodes are generally swollen and the spleen is enlarged. Coughing may be seen in some dogs.
CHRONIC FORM This form is manifested by intermittent fever, emaciation, sometimes pale mucous membrane with haemorrhages due thrombocytopenia. There may be oedema of lower limbs. Pustular dermatitis especially in the abdominal areas. Enlargement of the spleen and lymph nodes. Epistaxis and flank blood in faeces are common in alsatian breed of dogs.
CHRONIC FORM CON’D There is haematuria. Pancytopenia leads to anaemia. Nervous signs manifest as in-cordination. Uraemic form affects only the kidney presents as uraemia. Haemorrhagic form produces signs haematuria and melena.
Differential DIAGNOSIS Babesiosis Trypanosomosis Leptospirosis Canine Distemper
DIAGNOSIS Clinical signs Buffy coat Thin blood smear Electrophoresis Serological study to detects specific antibody Polymerase chain reaction
TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OXYTETRACYCLINE 5% 10mg/kg Imidocarp 6mg/kg Doxcycline Vit B Complex Vitamin k 5-10mg/kg Regular tick control Oxytetracycline to non-immuned dogs taken to endemic areas. Dicynone….