Wimborne Junior School, Southsea
This year a dedicated team of JRSOs at our school have done an amazing job! They are a group of Deputy School Council Representatives from across the school. They have done the following things this year: Created their own JRSO folder Created their own JRSO display Led a whole school assembly about being safe in darker conditions Taken part in a parking activity with our Road Safety Officer and 2 Parking Wardens Created their own parking flyers to dissuade adults stopping on the zig-zag lines Created a graph to share with our parents at a Parents’ Evening so they could see how many cars and taxis were breaking the law Attended School Council meetings
Parking on the Zig-Zag Lines Parking and stopping on the zig-zag lines are a very important and potentially dangerous issue for our school and our neighbouring infant school. Both schools decided to set up a Governor working party so that this issue could be improved and ultimately resolved. Many things both schools could do were agreed but it was the work of the JRSOs which helped to improve things. Firstly, we arranged for our Road Safety Officer and 2 parking wardens to come to the school for 7:45am so that we could stop adults from parking on the zig-zag lines. It was an early start for us all but a cup of tea and a biscuit helped us!
Parking on the Zig-Zag Lines To try and encourage our parents and other adults from stopping on the zig-zag lines, we designed and created small, colourful flyers that we could give to the adults to highlight our message. Parents really appreciated the work we were doing and made lots of positive comments. With the help of Mrs Luker, we continued to monitor the zig-zag lines contacting parents and the local taxi firms of those cars that were continuing to stop on the lines. We also wrote an update for the school’s weekly newsletter to share what we were doing.
Parking on the Zig-Zag Lines So has it made a difference? We are pleased to say that it has made a huge difference and has helped to keep our children safer when walking to and from school. The parents are also pleased to see that we as a school are doing something to keep our children safe. We are looking forward to our next BIG project!!
Our Amazing JRSOs! Jake (yr3), Jordan (yr5), Daisy (yr6), Louis (yr6), Katelyn (yr4), Shannon (yr5), Ciara (yr3), Owen (yr4)