An overview of the year ahead.
The Year 5 Team AKA ‘The fabulous 4’ Mrs Radford (Class 11) Miss Cooper (Class 12) Mrs Martindale Mrs Greenop
The Year 5 Curriculum
English English will taught through ‘The Power of Reading Scheme,’ with additional grammar and genre focussed lessons. Basic skills taught during English, will be expected to be applied in all curriculum subjects. Mathematics The children will continue to be taught in separate groups for maths. Lessons throughout the week will included a STOPS lesson and a mental maths session. The rest of the lessons will focus on aspects from the National Curriculum. Where possible links will be made with other subjects to allow the pupils to demonstrate their understanding through applying their mathematical knowledge.
Science Topics: Forces Properties and changes of materials Living things and habitats Animals inc humans Earth and Space
Room locations Year 5 classes are located in the main building. Both classes are at the end of the junior corridor, past the media suite. At the end of the school day, both classes will leave through the back playground and will be brought round the school beside Year 1 to the front playground, from where parents can collect them.
Foundation Subjects HISTORICAL TOPICS From Anglo Saxons times to the Vikings Ancient Greece Aspects of the Victorian era GEOGRAPHICAL TOPICS North America Modern-day Greece
Other Curriculum Areas PE in (swimming in November) Music Art DT Computing RE French
PE PE is timetabled weekly. Children should leave their kit in school all week. PE kit consists of a white shirt and black or white shorts and pumps for indoors and trainers for outdoors. If it is cold, they may wear black/blue tracksuit trousers and a top over their white shirts. The Wirral Road Safety Team will be running a Cycling proficiency course at some point during Year 5.
Homework Maths homework will be set on Friday to be returned on Monday. Learning Log homework will be set on a Monday to be returned on a Friday. Spelling and Grammar will be given out on Monday and tested the following Friday. Children will be given a ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ sheet to help practice spellings daily at home. Additional homework can be given at times to support other curriculum areas.
Extra Curricular Opportunities in Year 5 I Music I Programming Mission Maker Chatty History Swimming Philharmonic Music Experience
Other important information. Changes in Secondary Transfer. Secondary open evenings for Y5 pupils begin in September (go to as many as you can). In April/May parents will be sent a form to request entry into the 11+ examination. The form for this should be returned at the beginning of June. In July those children will be given 11+ Familiarisation Packs to be completed in 5 sessions in school. The 11+ will take place in September 2016.