The key to reading textbooks Controlling Ideas The key to reading textbooks
Text Development within paragraphs Controlling Idea Sentences Major details essential for explaining the controlling idea sentence Minor details that give further, nonessential information such as examples and statistics to help you understand major details Definitions
4 parts of a controlling idea sentence 5
PART 1 A broad, general sentence that: A. Narrows the topic B. BUT, it is general enough to cover all the details in the passage
PART 2 By itself, it does not provide enough information to be useful to the reader.
Part 3 It sets up a sense of anticipation in the reader.
Part 4 Provides hints about the upcoming organizational pattern(s)
Dogs as Pets (topic) We can understand the values of cultures around the world by examining the way different societies treat dogs as pets. (Controlling idea sentence from a sociology book) 1. Does it narrow the topic? 2. Does it give enough information to be useful to you? 3. Does it set up a sense of anticipation – You anticipate what the author might say? 4. Can you guess what organizational pattern might develop the ideas?
Dogs as Pets (topic) How a person treats his dog can tell you a lot about his feelings about himself and his views on self versus others. (Controlling idea from a psychology book) 1.. Does it narrow the topic? 2. Does it give enough information to be useful to you? 3. Does it set up a sense of anticipation – You anticipate what the author might say? 4. Can you guess what organizational pattern might develop the ideas?
Dogs as Pets (topic) In order to choose the appropriate breed of dog for you, consider whether you live in an urban or rural area. (Controlling Idea sentence from Humane Society guidelines for potential dog owners) 1. Does it narrow the topic? 2. Does it give enough information to be useful to you? 3. Does it set up a sense of anticipation – You anticipate what the author might say? 4. Can you guess what organizational pattern might develop the ideas?
Peripheral Nervous System Central Nervous System To live is to take in information from the world and the body's tissues. All this happens thanks to our body's nervous system. Peripheral Nervous System Our peripheral nervous system has two components - somatic and autonomic. Central Nervous System From the simplicity of neurons "talking" to other neurons arises the complexity of the central nervous system's brain and spinal cord.