Kairos Prison Ministry International How to be an Effective Prison Liaison Being Present
Purpose Learn how to establish and maintain a strong relationship with your local Institution and Chaplain necessary for running a successful Kairos program. Being Present
In a Nut Shell Know your job Learn the policies and procedures of the Institution Be Present Communicate often Being Present
Getting Started Obtain a copy of the Kairos Program Manual Obtain a copy of the Advisory Council Operating Procedures Review Responsibilities with outgoing Institutional Laision Being Present
Advisory Council Operating Procedures Responsibilities Provides the day-to-day link between the Institution, the local Advisory Council and the Weekend Leader Coordinates Kairos continuing ministry activities at the Institution Reports Regularly to the Advisory Council Arranges meetings with Institution in preparation for a Kairos Weekend Being Present
Advisory Council Operating Procedures Responsibilities (continued) Keeps Advisory Council informed of all Institutional rules, policies, etc. Provides current list of Kairos Community Individuals who are cleared to enter the Institution Torch has a Continuing Ministry Coordinator who works with the Institutional Laision to arrange all mentoring Being Present
Next Things Introduction to Chaplain Ensure Institution has most recent Kairos Program Manual Being Present
Next Things (con’t) Being Present Memorandum of Understanding + Forms the framework of for the relationship between the Institution and Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. + The Warden (or Superintendent) must sign + Send to International Office + Back to state after all signatures obtained Institution's Policies and Procedures Being Present
Being Present Being Present John 14:25 (NKJV) “These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.” Importance of Being Present in the Institution + Get to know the Chaplain, Warden, Assistant Wardens, Program Coordinators, Security Personnel and the Kairos Graduates Being Present
KAIROS – LCIW 2016 CALENDAR . Being Present
Schedule of Year’s Activities DOC (Security) Training Weekend Retreats - Meet with Weekend Leader - Participant Selection - Graduate Servant Selection - Meet with Chaplain - Materials/Supplies Instructional Reunions Monthly Reunions Community Update Two Day Retreats Prayer and Share Inside Council Torch Mentoring Being Present
DOC (Security) Training Who sets up the schedule? When is the training? Where is the training? How often must Volunteers attend? Being Present
Weekend Retreats Being Present Two - 3 ½ Day Weekends per year – Spring and Fall Monitor Team Meetings Make arrangements for 4th day speaker Participant selection is made by the Institution Graduate Servant selection based on pre-established criteria Graduate Servant training Meet with Chaplain, Weekend Leader, Inside Coordinator and Institutional Laision prior to Weekend + Best Practice – Prepare questions before meeting - Establish security requirements - Times for medicine call and count Being Present
Weekend Retreats (con’t) Submit a list of Team Members (male/female) to the Chaplain for security clearance Submit a list of closing guests to the Chaplain for security clearance Provide Chaplain and Security with a Weekend Schedule With permission from the Chaplain, provide Security personnel a list of weekend activities with direct impact on them Submit menus and inventory to the Institution prior to the Weekend for review Being Present
Retreat Binders Taken in on Weekend Leader Observing Leader Advising Leader Coordinator Assistant Coordinator Agape Coordinator Clergy Coordinator Head Servant Graduate Servant Coordinator Music Leader Head Chef Being Present
Instructional Reunions Two per year after the Retreat Weekend Provide Institution with names of new Graduates Provide Institution with names of Volunteers attending Provide Institution with list of any materials/supplies that will be brought in Being Present
Monthly Reunions Being Present Work with Institution to develop a schedule Monitor the selection of a Monthly Reunion Leader Provide Leader with Monthly Reunion Format and speaker guidelines Ensure a speaker from the Council has been selected Attendance is recorded for Kairos and the Institution Being Present
Two Day Retreats Being Present Two per year – 6 months apart Distribute sign-up sheets for Graduates at least one month prior to Retreat Ensure everyone who signed up is a Kairos Graduate Submit names of Graduates, menu, and other requirements to Chaplain prior to Retreat Sort and provide name tags Set-up room, if possible before Retreat Attendance is recorded Being Present
Prayer and Share Being Present Weekly activity, unless cancelled by the Institution Attendance is recorded Singing Council member opens with prayer and “Words of Encouragement” Grouping Graduates through the Inside Council are taking more responsibility Being Present
Inside Council Being Present Members selected by dorm area Serve for one year Elections help every 6 months – January and July Solicit and report feedback from the Community Responsible for Monthly Reunions Make suggestions for Prayer and Share - Bring your own group (BYOG) Being Present
“These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.” Scripture Reference John 14:25 (NKJV) “These things I have spoken to you while being present with you.” Being Present