FICCI Chemicals & Petrochemicals Awards India Chem Gujarat 2017 Project Non Graphic February 3, 2017 This is a confidential document solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from Tata Strategic Management Group. This material was used by Tata Strategic Management Group during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.
Instructions For FICCI Chemicals & Petrochemicals Award 2017 Categories & Applications Please fill the applications in the given format only Any additional information in support of the award application may go in the Annexures in ppt format Application should be complete in all aspects. Incomplete applications will not be considered Send your applications directly to FICCI The application in PPT format only. Applications received in any other format will not be considered for further evaluation
FICCI Chemicals & Petrochemicals Awards 2017 are designed to recognize the contribution of chemical companies/individuals across 12 broad categories
FICCI Chemicals & Petrochemicals Awards 2017 are designed to recognize the contribution of chemical companies/individuals across 12 broad categories
1- Award for Product Innovator of the Year APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Please specify the category for which the application is being submitted Segment Category:
1- Award for Product Innovator of the Year COMPANY NAME Product Innovation Which year was the product launched/commercialised? Describe the innovation. What is the uniqueness of your innovation? Is this innovation scalable and sustainable at an industry scale? (Max. up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here) Challenges Addressed Describe the challenge/ situation your innovation is trying to address (Max. up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here)
1- Award for Product Innovator of the Year COMPANY NAME Impact and benefits (Tangible) What impact does your innovation has in industry space and what is its benefit for your company? E.g.: Increased market share, better returns to shareholders, cost reduction etc. How much is the current sales volume and value for this product? How many customers is this product being sold to currently? Please list down the names of existing customers. How do your customers benefit from this innovation? E.g.: Reduced cost, better performance, etc. Does the innovation benefit society at large in any way? What is the overall opportunity volume (in Tonnes) and value (in INR Crores) estimates of this product? Does this product cater to any import substitution for our country, thus, saving on foreign exchange? Have you filed a patent for this product? If so, has it been granted/expected to be granted? (Max. up to 750 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)
2- Award for Manufacturing Process Innovator of the Year APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Please specify the category for which the application is being submitted: Segment Category:
2- Award for Manufacturing Process Innovator of the Year COMPANY NAME Process Innovation Which year was the process launched/commercialised? Describe the innovation What is the uniqueness of your innovation? Is this innovation scalable and sustainable at an industry scale? (up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here) Challenges Addressed Describe the challenge/ situation your innovation is trying to address (up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here)
2- Award for Manufacturing Process Innovator of the Year COMPANY NAME Impact and benefits (Tangible) What impact does your innovation has in the industry? E.g.: Reduced cost, better performance, etc. Please quantify, in terms of volumes (in Tonnes) and value (in INR Crores), the benefits of the innovation for your company? E.g.: Increased market share, better returns to shareholders, cost reduction, etc. Does the innovation benefit society at large in any way? Have you filed a patent for this process? If so, has it been granted/expected to be granted? (up to 750 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)
3- Sustainability Award for Best Green Product APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Please specify the category for which the application is being submitted: Segment Category:
3- Sustainability Award for Best Green Product COMPANY NAME Green Product Which year was the product launched/commercialised? Describe the green product. What is the uniqueness of your green product? Is this innovation scalable and sustainable at an industry scale? (up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here) Challenges Addressed Describe the challenge/ situation your green product is trying to address (up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here)
3- Sustainability Award for Best Green Product COMPANY NAME Impact and benefits (Tangible) What impact does your green product has in industry space and what is its benefit for your company? How much is the current sales volume and value for this product? How many customers is this product being sold to currently? Please list down the names of existing customers. What is benefit of the green product for customers? E.g.: Reduced carbon footprint, better performance, easier end-of-life disposal What is the overall opportunity volume (in Tonnes) and value (in INR Crores) estimates of this product? How does the green product benefit the environment at large? What kind of tools can you employ/ have you employed to promote product adoption by customers? Have you filed a patent for this product? If so, has it been granted/expected to be granted? (up to 750 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)
4- Sustainability Award for Best Green Process APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Please specify the category for which the application is being submitted: Segment Category:
4- Sustainability Award for Best Green Process COMPANY NAME NAME OF THE GREEN PROCESS Green process Which year was the green process launched/commercialised? Describe the current green process (give a comparison between what was it earlier and how is it now). What is the uniqueness of your innovation? Is this innovation scalable and sustainable at an industry scale? (up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here) Challenges Addressed Describe the challenge/ situation your green process is trying to address (up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here)
4- Sustainability Award for Best Green Process COMPANY NAME OF THE GREEN PROCESS Impact and benefits (Tangible) What impact does your innovation has in the industry? E.g.: Reduced cost, better performance, etc. Please quantify, in terms of volumes (in Tonnes) and value (in INR Crores), the benefits of the innovation for your company? E.g.: Increased market share, better returns to shareholders, cost reduction, etc. Does the innovation benefit society at large in any way? How does the green process benefit the environment at large? Have you filed a patent for this process? If so, has it been granted/expected to be granted? (up to 750 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)
5- Sustainability Award for Excellence in Safety APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Please specify the category for which the application is being submitted: Segment Category:
5- Sustainability Award for Excellence in Safety COMPANY NAME Safety Practice Describe in brief the safety processes and initiatives adopted by your company How are the safety processes and initiatives adopted by you different/ more stringent than other companies in your industry? Do you have any standard certifications related to safety? If so, which ones. (up to 500 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)
(Kindly fill your information here) 5- Sustainability Award for Excellence in Safety COMPANY NAME Other Aspects of Safety Practice Would you like to highlight any other aspects of your safety processes/ systems/ parameters? (up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here)
5- Sustainability Award for Excellence in Safety COMPANY NAME Definitions Accident Severity Rate: Average number of lost days per recordable incident in the company Accident Frequency Rate: Number of accidents based on the category of accident Total Recordable Injury Rate: Number of fatalities, lost time injuries, cases or substitute work and other injuries requiring medical treatment by a medical professional per million hours worked Near Miss Event: Number of unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage - but had the potential to do so Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate: Amount or number of lost time injuries, that is, injuries that occurred in the workplace resulting in the employee's inability to work the next full work day, which occurred in a given period relative to the total number oh hours worked in the accounting period
5- Sustainability Award for Excellence in Safety COMPANY NAME Parameter Your company’s values Company’s Goals ( Final Target to be achieved & sustained) Industry benchmark/ Statutory Value (if available) FY17 FY16 FY15 Accident Severity Rate Accident Frequency Rate Total Recordable Injury Rate No. of near miss accidents Safety training man-days Lost time injury frequency rate
6- Award for Efficiency in Energy Usage APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Please specify the category for which the application is being submitted: Segment Category:
6- Award for Efficiency in Energy Usage COMPANY NAME Number of Initiatives taken towards energy reduction %age of energy usage in total costs of the company Absolute Reduction in energy usage over previous year Absolute energy consumption (KwH/ Unit of production ) Cost to benefit ratio of expenditure and savings realized (INR Crores) FY17 FY16 FY15
(Kindly fill your information here) 6- Award for Efficiency in Energy Usage COMPANY NAME Energy Efficient Process Describe the process/ technology adopted by you to reduce the energy usage for the past 3 years. Is the process/ technology adopted by you unique as compared to industry? What is the challenge/ situation your adopted process/ technology is trying to address? (up to 500 words) (Kindly fill your information here)
7- Award for Efficiency in Water Usage APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Please specify the category for which the application is being submitted: Segment Category:
7- Award for Efficiency in Water Usage COMPANY NAME Number of Initiatives taken towards water reduction %age of water usage in total costs of the company Absolute reduction in water usage over previous year Absolute water consumption (KL/ Unit of production ) Cost to benefit ratio of expenditure and savings realized (INR Crores) FY17 FY16 FY15
(Kindly fill your information here) 7- Award for Efficiency in Water Usage COMPANY NAME Water Efficient Process Describe the process/ technology adopted by you to reduce the water usage for the past 3 years. Is the process/ technology adopted by you unique as compared to industry? What is the challenge/ situation your adopted process/ technology is trying to address? (up to 500 words) (Kindly fill your information here)
(Kindly fill your information over here) 8- Award for Best Contribution to Academia APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Contributions to Academic Institutes Describe your company’s initiatives to support research and recruitment in academic institutes under following heads; Establishment of research centres in academic institutes Funding of research projects undertaken by academic institutes Internship/ job opportunities offered to students Provision of research and industry information for academic projects What is the uniqueness of your initiative compared to other existing initiatives/ programmes in the industry? (up to 100 words) (Kindly fill your information over here)
8- Award for Best Contribution to Academia COMPANY NAME Challenges Addressed What is the challenge/ situation your adopted process/ technology is trying to address? (up to 250 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide) Impact and benefits (Tangible) What is the impact of your initiative on the recipient institutes? Does your initiative provide any benefit to your company in return? Would you like to highlight any other impacts of the initiative? (up to 500 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)
8- Award for Best Contribution to Academia COMPANY NAME Parameter Value Funding amount No. of academic institutes forming part of the initiative No. of individuals who have directly benefited from the program Any other quantifiable parameter
9- Award for Commendable Work for Changing Public Perception APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Initiatives to Change Public Perception Describe describe in brief the initiative undertaken by your company How is the initiative undertaken by you different/ unique compared to other such initiatives in the chemical and petrochemical industry? (up to 500 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)
9- Award for Commendable Work for Changing Public Perception COMPANY NAME Impacts & Benefits Describe the benefit of the initiative for the industry as a whole Describe the benefit of the initiative for your company Quantify the impact of the initiative in the best way possible e.g. number of people reached, % improvement in company brand equity, rise in awareness among consumers etc. Kindly provide details of any monetary investment/ expense towards the initiative (up to 750 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)
10- Award for the Most Environment-Friendly Company APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Please specify the category for which the application is being submitted: Segment Category:
10- Award for the Most Environment-Friendly Company COMPANY NAME Environmental Policies List of voluntary environmental standards adopted by your company Details of environment related policies/ programs What are your internal targets for use of renewable energy? Please put down the efforts/ spend towards environmental awareness programs for various stakeholders (such as customer education on correct usage of chemicals, planting trees, etc.)? (up to 1000 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)
(Kindly fill your information here) 10- Award for the Most Environment-Friendly Company COMPANY NAME Green Products Kindly give the number & details of green products in the product portfolio of your company. Kindly give the budget/ spend on innovation and R&D for green products (INR lakh and % of sales) Do you have mandatory green standards for your suppliers, vendors and channel partners? How many of your suppliers/ vendors are certified for adherence to environmental norms? (up to 500 words) (Kindly fill your information here)
Current levels of emission/ production (units) 10- Award for the Most Environment-Friendly Company COMPANY NAME Parameters Current levels of emission/ production (units) Target for reduction % Achieved FY17 FY16 FY15 Carbon (GHG emission) Effluents Hazardous waste Non-Hazardous Waste
11- Award for Distinguished Contribution (Lifetime Achievement) Information 4 awards shall be given for distinguished contribution to the industry, one each in Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Agrochemicals and Plastics segment Awards are on the basis of nominations and applications are not required. You may give your suggestions to FICCI
12- Award for Company of the Year APPLICATION FORM Company Name: Contact person: Name: Mobile: Landline: Email: Please specify the category for which the application is being submitted: Segment Category: Turnover Category:
12- Award for Company of the Year COMPANY NAME Company of the Year Why should your company be considered for this award? What are the novel acts your company has done to contribute towards the well-being of society through CSR or Social Contribution? Does your company holds a unique position in the market (in terms of product, service and technology)? Please provide details. What has been the Net Sales and Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) for last 5 years (in INR Crores). Also, please provide the annual report of your company for last 5 years. Please provide the CSR spends for the last 5 years (in INR Crores). (up to 1000 words) (Kindly fill your information here, if additional space is required, please create additional slide)