1.7 Unanswered prayers and Non-Belief in God and the Christian Response What Do we mean by unanswered prayer. How can this lead to doubting God. Christian response to unanswered prayers Roman Catholic viewpoints on unanswered prayer Are prayers answered or not? How does this affect your belief in God.
Starter Activity Things people pray for. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.
Unanswered prayers and Non-Belief in God and the Christian Response Read page 16 Give an example of an unanswered prayer (real or made up) Why does unanswered prayer lead people to disbelieve in God? (8) Now watch this for reasons why God may not answer all prayers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPFF_CeN7WY
Why does God not always answer everyone’s prayers? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.
Unanswered prayers and Non-Belief in God and the Christian Response Read Christian Responses to Prayer How might a Roman Catholic respond to this question? Mark your answer using results plus to help you. If your partner has finished then mark each others and give feedback.
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