The Second Triumvirate Octavian Mark Antony Lepidus
BRAIN POPS https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/riseoftheromanempire/ https://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/worldhistory/paxromana/ Username: tohickonmid Password: pop1 jamison
Cleopatra of Egypt
AUGUSTUS “The revered one” Octavian took on many titles… Princeps Pater Patriae Imperator AUGUSTUS “The revered one”
Emperor Augustus Supreme ruler of Rome AUTOCRACY: form of government in which one person holds unlimited power How did Augustus get away with this?
“Old Roman Virtues” Augustus was smart… Changes to Government… Refused to be crowned emperor Kept institutions of the Republic, even though he had the final say Changes to Government… Talent over birth Proconsul of each province Permanent tax collectors Census Soldiers’ allegiance
The Pax Romana “THE ROMAN PEACE”: The “PAX ROMANA” was the 200 year period of peace and prosperity for ROME that began during the rule of Augustus.
Pax Romana Trade
The safety and security of the Empire Fulltime professional army 150,000 men Natural boundries easier to defend Protection of the Emperor 9000 men to protect him-personal army (Praetorian Guard) Soldiers swear allegiance to him Expansion of territory All of Spain and Gaul came under Roman rule, as did land in what is today Austria, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. The city of Rome and its people Building Projects Fire Brigade Police Force Free Grain for the poor Rome’s Government Split the large empire into smaller provinces…each province was governed by a proconsul who answered directly to Augustus The Roman Tax System A CENSUS was conducted to get accurate information about Rome’s population. Tax collectors were made into a well paid, full time job so that they stopped overtaxing the people. The Roman legal system Created a new system of laws that applied to both citizens and non-citizens and was STANDARDIZED or made the same throughout the whole empire.
Pax Romana Law