EVANGELISM PT.2 “THE STATE OF THE LOST PERSON” Congregation Clergy Jeremiah 1:5 vs. Matthew 28:19-20 Jermiah’s, THE PROPHET, message was to “THE NATIONS.” Jesus in the GREAT COMMISSION sends us to “THE NATIONS.” -God’s work of reaching lost people is for EVERYBODY; NOT just clergy!
EVANGELISM PT.2 “THE STATE OF THE LOST PERSON” WHY SHOULD WE CARE FOR LOST PEOPLE? (1.)THE REALITY OF “HEAVEN” Revelations 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.” -As painful as this world is, we ought share Jesus with others that they too can experience HEAVEN. -Without Jesus (John 14:6), THE LOST have no promise of a place of no more tears, death, sorrow or pain. *If Heaven is so great, shouldn’t we want others to experience it!
EVANGELISM PT.2 “THE STATE OF THE LOST PERSON” WHY SHOULD WE CARE FOR LOST PEOPLE? (2.)THE REALITY OF LIFE WITHOUT JESUS “ON EARTH” -Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” -The Fruits of the Spirit are a by product of the Spirit of Christ inside of us, which comes from accepting Jesus (Acts 2:38). *Without Jesus, THE LOST PERSON is miserable on earth in the absence of true love, joy, peace, etc.
EVANGELISM PT.2 “THE STATE OF THE LOST PERSON” WHY SHOULD WE CARE FOR LOST PEOPLE? (3.)THE REALITY OF “HELL” -Luke 16:19-31: *The rich man died and lifted his eyes “IN HELL.” *The rich man said, “I am tormented in this flame.” #HE WAS CONSCIOUS of being burned. *There was a great gulf between hell and heaven. #The rich man knew he could not leave. -Revelations 20:15 “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” (see Rev.14:9-11 also) *THE LOST do have the promise of eternal torment in Hell.