Weekly Quiz Tuesday 10th October
Homeroom Quiz Part 2 General Knowledge
Get into teams….. You’ll need: Something to write with Paper Brain (optional)
Round 5 Music
Round 5 - Music 1. In musical notes, which is longer?: a crotchet a semibreve Round 5 - Music
2. In ‘The Simpsons’, what instrument does Lisa Simpson play? Round 5 - Music
3. In music, what name is given to the lowest male vocal range? Round 5 - Music
4. ‘The Hills Are Alive’ is from which musical? Round 5 - Music
Round 6 PE
Round 6 - PE In cricket, if a batter is out ‘for a duck’, how many runs did he score? Round 6 - PE
2. In a normal game of football, how many people are on the pitch when the match begins? Round 6 - PE
3. In rugby union, how many points are scored for a drop goal? Round 6 - PE
4. How many players are in a netball team? Round 6 - PE
Round 6 - PE 5. In which martial art is a competitor more likely to be thrown over the shoulder: Kung Fu Karate Judo Round 6 - PE
6. What name is given to the referee of a tennis match? Round 6 - PE
Answers Swap papers!
Answers for Round 5 - Music Semibreve Saxophone Bass Sound of Music or Moulin Rouge Answers for Round 5 - Music
zero 23 (2 x 11 + referee) 3 7 c judo umpire Answers for Round 6 - PE
Round 7 MFL
1. Take the first letter of the first name of all the celebrities to make up a French phrase:
-’----- --- --------! Round 7 - MFL
Round 7 - MFL 2. Wo spricht man Deutch?: Germany, Austria & Denmark Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Lichtenstein Germany, Austria & Poland Germany, Austria & Holland Round 7 - MFL
Round 7 - MFL ? 3. How do you say ‘three lamps’ in Swedish?: a girl en flicka three girls tre flickor a pencil en penna three pencils tre pennor a picture en tavla three pictures tre tavlor a lamp en lampa three lamps ? Round 7 - MFL
Round 8 Olympic Games
Round 8 – Olympic Games Do you know your Olympic facts?: In which country did the modern summer Olympic Games begin? The ancient Olympic Games were created in honour of which Greek God? Where did the Olympic Games take place in 1900? Name the five colours that make up the Olympic rings. In what year was the tug-of-war discontinued from the Olympic Games?: a. 1918 b. 1920 or c. 1922 Round 8 – Olympic Games
Answers Swap papers!
Answers for Round 7 - MFL J’ADORE LES VACANCES! Justin Bieber Angelina Jolie David Beckham Oprah Winfrey Rihanna Elton John Lady GaGa Edward Cullen Simon Cowell Victoria Beckham Alesha Dixon Chuck Norris Albert Einstein Nicholas Cage Cameron Diaz Eminem Shakira Answers for Round 7 - MFL
2. b Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Lichtenstein Answers for Round 7 - MFL
3. tre lampor Answers for Round 7 - MFL
Answers for Round 8 – Olympic Games Greece (in 1896) Zeus Paris blue, yellow, black, green, red 1920 (the other dates are not Olympic dates!) Answers for Round 8 – Olympic Games