Markabbinahalli Village At Glance
Village Details Located in Bijapur district near Devarhippargi town. Population: 2545 Male: 1060 Female: 960 Rainfall: 625 mm No bore well or open well in village. Only source of drinking water for village is from neighboring Sathihal village.
Occupational Structure of Markabbinahalli Village No. Hotel (including small tea shops) 7 Gents Tailor 2 Ladies tailor 9 Provision store Cobbler 1 Chilly grinding mill Rava grinding mill Grinding mill Agri-input shop and grain merchant 5 Charcoal trader 3 Cycle repair shop Black smith and carpenter Gold smith
Registered doctors 2 Unregistered doctors Mason workers 10 Post office 1 Govt. School 3 Pvt. School Pvt. Tuition Anganwadi Centre Barber Unregistered liquor shop Charcoal traders Govt. Primary Health Centre (Ayu) Public Distribution system shop Kerosene supply shop Temple
Anganwadi workers 4 Government hospital worker 1 Tractor driver 12 Goods lorry driver 2 Passenger auto driver Goods auto driver 5 Truck driver Post Office Employees Panchayat employees 6 LIC Agent
Questionnaire Structured Questionnaire was prepared and used to collect information from the representative samples of public services, private service, households, trade, agriculture, local government and self help group. In the questionnaire information on the transaction both within and outside were recorded separately. Stratified sampling is used.
Agriculture Agricultural land: 936 ha. Deep black cotton soil Cropped area Kharif :385 ha Rabi : 526 ha Kharif crops: pigeon pea, cotton, onion Rabi crops: chick pea, sorghum, wheat, sunflower.
Sampling of Representative Households For classification of households into different groups we used ICRISAT classification according to land holding. This classification is as follows Category Land classification No. of Households in Markabbinahalli Landless <0.1 ha 110 Marginal 0.1 ha - < 1 ha 43 Small 1 ha - < 2 ha 89 Medium 2 ha- < 4 ha 86 Large > 4 ha 72
This classification is also apt for SAT villages given the fact that All most all houses engage in agriculture except for households where main occupation is salaried job and Most of the households own land whether they cultivate it or not and the remaining are classified under landless. Therefore it is comprehensive and exhaustive. This classification has advantage that we have ICRISAT survey being already done for SAT villages and it is known that which all households that belong to those categories are. This reduces the time required in identifying the representative households.
Here sample size is 5% of total population of each category. For Markabbinahalli village, sample structure of households was as following Here sample size is 5% of total population of each category. Category Sample size Landless 6 Marginal 3 Small 4 medium Large Total 20
It is imperative for the sample to include people belonging to different social groups like caste, religion, occupation. This is because there is bound to be difference in their consumption pattern, festival spending, expenditure on durables etc. Hence leaving a social category means underestimation or overestimation of expenditure or income.
Category Landless Marginal Small Medium Large Within village Outside village Total sample Agriculture labour 12 5 13 4 30 34 Anganwadi Ayya 1 Driver 2 Bangle seller Business carpenter clerk Doctor Farming (only) 3 Farm servant Flour mill operator Gold smith LIC agent Mechanic Mason helper 6 Stoner cutter Teacher Total sample 20 11 19 45 23 68
Household Account For household consumption data, data was collected for only one month and is multiplied by 12 to get the consumption for a year. Data on all items of consumption (both on items of durable and non durable in nature) was collected from representative households.
Private Services Sub accounts here are Barber, Tailor, Provision Store, Doctor, Transport service provider, Pvt. School, Canteen, Grinding mill, repair and maintenance shop, Cobbler, black smith and carpenter, gold smith and PDS shop. Details relating to their business were collected.
Public Service Different sub accounts were considered here are local Government (Panchayat), Government School, Post Office, Government Hospital and Anganwadi Centre.
Trade Under Trade Account, trade of agricultural produce in the village was considered. Main commodities traded in the village were Pigeon pea, Wheat, Chickpea, Cotton, and Sunflower.