Welcome to Education Activity 2009 Webinar use in IEEE Canada Saman Adham May 1st, 2009 May 1st, 2009 Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair
IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair What is a Webinar? Web based communication tool Deliver live presentation Large audience (1000 or more) Audience can be anywhere in the world As long as they have internet connection Multiple presenters/panelist Broadcast Different from Online meeting Audience has limited interaction with the panelist or each other May 1st, 2009 Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair
IEEE Canada Webinar Education Activity Initiative Objectives: Deliver Education Programs to IEEE Canada members Minimum cost Members IEEE Canada Delivered by Field Experts Collect Feedback Plan forward May 1st, 2009 Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair
IEEE Canada Education Activity Webinars 2007 Three Webinars Focus of Soft skills Leadership, Project Management 1, 2 2008 Two Webinars Power Engineering: Active Voltage Conditioners Communications: WLAN Positioning 2009 Two Webinar IEEE Expert Now: Introduction to Embedded System Design IEEE Expert Now: Embedded Software System Design 80-150 attendees per webinar May 1st, 2009 Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair
Webinars in your section? Education activity Share your section activity with other sections Not much overhead cost No need to travel No need to book a room No need for projectors/screen etc… Invited speakers Local or remote Section meetings Regular meetings Emergency meetings May 1st, 2009 Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair
IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair Webinar tools Many commercial tools available Vary in features and cost All have the same requirement Web browser for Visual Phone or VOIP for sound Choosing the right tool Webinar Objectives Audio use of Phone bridge or VOIP Does the tool allow Audience interaction? Voice only, Visual only or both? Maximum number of presenters per event Registration process and automation Report generation Receiving and responding to questions Text, Audio Ability to collect feedback (survey) Ability to poll audience during the webinar to adjust the presentation Is recording important to you? Total budget May 1st, 2009 Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair
IEEE Canada Education Activity Webinar tool We use GoToWebinar from Citrix Inc. Please note we are not promoting the tool. You should choose that suites your needs Features: Online registration Automated report generation End of webinar Survey Polling Both VOIP and Phone line Up to 6 Panelist Audience questions Test Voice Many other feature Cost: $99 (US) per month Month by Month Bases cancel any month you don’t need it May 1st, 2009 Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair
IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair Live Demo Attendees must have PCs with internet connection Use of Headset is Recommended Panelist (….) Registrants (….) Organizer (Saman) May 1st, 2009 Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair
IEEE Expert Now Online Continuing Education Courses 90+ courses are currently available in various technical areas Institutional subscriptions to all IEEE Expert Now courses are available. For more information or to sign up for a free trial visit www.ieee.org/expertnow IEEE Members purchase individual courses through IEEE XploreTM at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/modules/modulebrowse.jsp May 1st, 2009 Saman Adham IEEE Canada Education Activity Chair