OUES Physical Education The OUES Physical Education program is designed to help students discover activities that they enjoy and will continue as they reach adulthood. Maximum participation is emphasized over skill performance and competition. Each student will experience success at his or her own level. I want them to recognize that adopting a physically active lifestyle is fun and contributes to success in other areas of life. In addition to fitness and general game activities, the students will practice fundamental skills in the following units: soccer, softball, basketball, gymnastics, lacrosse, jump rope, volleyball, flag football, dance, hula hoops, etc. The students will also learn health and fitness concepts associated with nutrition, basic safety practices, body systems, drug education, and disease prevention.
3rd and 4th graders will be assessed throughout the year using FitnessGram. A child’s grade will not be affected by his or her performance on the tests. The purpose of FitnessGram is to identify each student’s strengths and areas needing improvement. I encourage them to try their best and do not want the assessments to create anxiety. A summary of the results will be sent home at the end of the year in an informative format. Daily Class Routine: ASAP activity Announcements/Review of concepts Warm-up Activity Skill teaching/Fitness Instruction Skill practice/Lead-up Game Review of the Day Special Events and Activities: Jogging Club (2nd-4th grades, during the PE class); Jump Rope for Heart (Feb); Field Day (May); PE Buddies (ongoing, 3rd grade only)
General Physical Education Information Box Tops earn money for new PE equipment and special events. Please bring Box Tops to me in a bag labeled with the number returned. Your child can receive a small prize for 10 Box Tops. We continue collecting all year. Campbell’s Labels are a separate collection that we also take at OUES. Appropriate shoes help ensure safety and optimal performance in PE. Students are welcome to store an extra pair of shoes in my office if needed. I understand and take into consideration special situations. A student’s grade may be impacted for excessive shoe misses. I encourage the students to bring water bottles to PE. Please keep me informed of injuries and illnesses affecting your child and participation in PE . Please check my webpage for updated information and announcements. Concerns, questions, suggestions? I would love to speak with you. Alison Specht, (817) 949-4610