GAUSS GiGa (G4 Interface for Gaudi Geant 4


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Presentation transcript:

GAUSS GiGa (G4 Interface for Gaudi Geant 4 Parameter getting status GAUSS SimAttributes.h (definition of maxAlloweStep and other Parameters: minEkine..) GiGaSetSimAttributes.cpp (takes user set value from MuonStepCut.xml file, maxAllowedStep=“5.0 mm”) SimulationSvs.cpp (default values of maxAllowedStep =-1) GiGa (G4 Interface for Gaudi Applic. or Gaudi Interface for G4 Applications) Can plug different actions to Geant4 Passing of Simulation Attribute parameters (maxAllowedStep) from Gauss to G4 logical volumes, LvMuFilter1, …2, 3, 4 Geant 4 (if mAS didn’t pass from GiGa, use its own Actual step length)  

It is possible to control the Simulation phase via MyGauss It is possible to control the Simulation phase via MyGauss.opts by debuging: 1) GiGa.ModularPL.DumpCutsTable = true;     2) debug where the simulation applies the cuts made by user in .xml       SimulationSvc.OuputLevel = 2;       GiGa.GiGaMgr.GiGaSetSimAttributes.OutputLevel = 2;       GiGa.GiGaMgr.GiGaRegionsTool.OutputLevel = 3;   Or by configuration of GiGa to control Geant4 actions: 3) GiGa.TrackSeq.Members += { "MonitorTrackAction" };    to execute the monitoring of the tracks 4) GiGa.StepSeq.Members += { "MonitorStepAction" };    for the monitoring of the steps (number of steps, steplength…) To copy the package Monitor/v1r0 from $LHCBDEV/GAUSS/Sim/Monitor/v1r0 to $HOME/cmtuser/Gauss_v30r5/Sim/, cd Monitor/v1r0/cmt cmt config make (errors because Monitor codes were not modified to Gauss v30r5)

Some new information about Geant 4 parameters from GiGa : The user cut value from MuonStepCut.xml file, (maxAllowedStep=“5.0 mm”) was set at all MFilters logical volumes. …………………………………. GiGa........DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter1/….) :   new user limits are set GiGa........DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter2/….) :   new user limits are set GiGa........DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter3/….) :   new user limits are set …………………………………….. 2) By using “MonitorStepAction“ for the monitoring of the tracks in detectors the following numbers of steps were obtained: for the ECAL: ………………………………………….. MonitorStepAction mu+ Volume /dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Ecal/Modules/Outer#OuterModuleReadOut MonitorStepAction STEP NUMBER 144 MonitorStepAction STEP NUMBER 145 Volume /dd/Structure/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Ecal MonitorStepAction STEP NUMBER 146 ………………………………………….

For the HCAL:……………………………. MonitorStepAction mu+ Volume/dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Hcal/Installation/lvHcalOutHalfSubModuleWorkPart#pvHcalOutCellBkFaceSubModule MonitorStepAction STEP NUMBER 60 Volume/dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Hcal/Installation/lvHcalOutHalfModule#pvHcalOutHalfSubModuleReinforce MonitorStepAction STEP NUMBER 61 ………………………………………………….. For MuFilter1: Volume/dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter1#pvHalfFilter1CSide#pvCenter1HF1#pvBlock1Center1:2 MonitorStepAction STEP NUMBER 1 Volume/dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter1#pvHalfFilter1CSide#pvCenter1HF1#air_gap_9 Volume/dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter1#pvHalfFilter1CSide#pvCenter1HF1#pvBlock2Center1:1 MonitorStepAction STEP NUMBER 2

For MuFilter2: MonitorStepAction mu+ Volume/dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter2#pvHalfFilter2CSide#pvCenter2HF2#pvBlock1Center2:3 MonitorStepAction STEP NUMBER 1 Volume/dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter3#pvHalfFilter3CSide#pvCenter2HF2#pvBlock1Center2:3 Volume/dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter3#pvHalfFilter3CSide#pvCenter2HF2#pvGap1Center2:3 Volume/dd/Geometry/DownstreamRegion/Muon/Filters/lvMuFilter3#pvHalfFilter3CSide#pvCenter2HF2#pvBlock3Center2:1 MonitorStepAction STEP NUMBER 2 …………

We need to have some distributions of step numbers and step length in MF1 –MF3, to obtain some mean values. Tu use "MonitorTrackAction“ which allow to do this but for “timing” processes in detectors. By the way, to estimate the time needed for sumulation of muons MSC with the standard options (MyGauss.opts) and with Delta-rays emission options .  To update the MonitorTrackAction.ccp code for our case.