Women business owners are 10 million strong Women business owners are 10 million strong. When we engage in a political process with a positive message there is no stopping us!message, there is no stopping them. www.WEDecide2016.org
WE Decide 2016 Women in business are united by our decisions everyday, and now we have a platform to unite us in the 2016 election to make a positive impact for our future. WE Decide 2016 is mobilizing thousands of women in business to raise their voice and share their message this election season. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn and to share our views on issues important to us with the candidates and the media. Powered by Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) and Personal BlackBox (PBB), Additional info about Personal BlackBox: Personal BlackBox (PBB) is a better data relationship company that provides products and services to build transparent, productive and private data relationships between companies and people. Designed for dignity, we’re committed to providing privacy and control to personal data and unlocking the value it generates. PBB operates in tandem with the PBB Trust, a Delaware statutory trust, to promote and ensure personal data control, privacy and value for PBB members and businesses. The PBB Trust works to ensure you are the rightful owner of your data and that your data will be protected and respected according to the Personal Data Independence standards. Your data will never be sold and only be shared if you want to unlock its value and benefit from it directly with companies of your choice. www.WEDecide2016.org
We are a trusted voice Women business owners are vital, growing contributor to our economy. They will play a critical role in deciding our next President! There are 9.9 million women-owned businesses in the United States, generating $1.6 trillion in receipts. The number of women-owned firms has grown 68 percent since 2007, compared with 47 percent for all businesses. Women have voted at higher rates than men in every presidential election since 1980, with the gap between women and men growing slightly larger with each successive election. More women are contributing to candidates and political parties now than ever before. You may want to discuss why WIPP is engaging in this effort: WIPP has long been a convener of like-minded organizations focused on issues impacting women business owners. With such a history of public policy work, WIPP believes it is critical we work during election season as a unified women business owner community to ensure that our next President understands the power and the concerns of women in business.
What is the WE Decide 2016 initiative ? Women in business will be able to privately share their opinions on issues impacting their business through our unique online platform. The information will never be shared or sold to anyone thanks to our technology partner, Personal BlackBox. Leveraging the insight, secure poll data and user comments, we will develop a policy platform to encourage political parties and their candidates to prioritize and discuss issues of significance to women in business. Election season is all about the numbers – polls, polls, polls. WE Decide 2016 wants to make certain the voice of women in business are heard through our own polling mechanism. Development of a women's business platform to take to the Presidential and Congressional Candidates. Grassroots involvement through pulse polls, local, regional and national events, and media coverage and advocacy. www.WEDecide2016.org
How To Sign Up Visit www.WEDecide2016.org Click the “Join the WE Decide 2016 Community” link in the top right hand corner or the “Join Now” button on the red bar. This will take you to your Personal Polling Station sign up page.
Because Your Voice Is Important! WHY? Because Your Voice Is Important! Sign up to participate in WE Decide 2016! Hit home on the goal of signing up 500 women!!! We are 10 million strong-the more participation we have, the louder our voice and the greater the impact. www.WEDecide2016.org
Barbara Kasoff, President Emeritus, WIPP. WE Decide. Together. “Women business owners are 10 million strong. When we engage in the political process with a positive message, there is no stopping us.” Barbara Kasoff, President Emeritus, WIPP. Join us in our efforts! www.WEDecide2016.org