Year 13 Parents’ Information Evening Welcome TUESDAY 19 SEPTEMBER 2017
Programme Pastoral Care provision The Challenges of Sixth Form Sixth Form Contract and expectations Examination issues Careers provision
Aim: to care for, support and encourage each student Pastoral Team Parents Senior Leadership Team Year Heads – Mrs Todd and Mr McDowell Subject Teachers Group Tutors School Counsellor and REACH Mentors Ancillary, administrative and technical support staff Aim: to care for, support and encourage each student as an individual
The Transition from GCSE to AS Study Sixth Form Challenge The Transition from GCSE to AS Study 4
Private Study Sixth Form Centre/Library/Subject specific rooms Behaviour : quiet and ‘engaged’ Organisation Study Skills Independent Learning
Enrichment Programme Helps acquire personal skills / develop each individual as a complete person Helps student to feel a part of the community at PC Enrichment classes offered in Bible Study, First Aid, Sign Language, Conditioning and Ukulele lessons Good for UCAS
The Role of the Year Head Promote the welfare of students so that learning is supported Oversee the academic progress of students Monitor attendance Ensure the Code of Conduct is followed Support students at times of personal difficulty First point of contact with home
PD PROGRAMME The Personal Development programme is central to the successful transition from GCSE to A Level and part of the way PC seeks to support students as they mature and develop into independent and capable young adults. PD sessions take place 1-2 times per week in registrations or as a whole Year group if a visiting speaker is taking the session as is the case several times throughout the year. The PD programme aims to provide valuable support and guidance to help students make a real success of sixth form studies. It seeks to develop awareness of current issues affecting their age group and to develop important skills needed beyond their schooling. Opportunities will therefore be given for students to discuss important and relevant issues which impact on their lives and topics this Year range from Careful selection and use of outside speakers and specialists to address key issues accurately and creatively.
Extra curricular activities
CEIAG Term 1 What employers & universities want: Skills & Qualities, Experience, Qualifications Work Shadow Preparation Labour Market Information & STEM
CEIAG Terms 2 & 3 Post-18 Options Personal Career Planning: Target Setting & Career Action Planning: Convention Focus on Further & Higher Education, UK and overseas Personal Statements Work placement (11-15 June 2018)
Senior Prefects 2017-18
Sixth Form Agreement Rights and Responsibilities Independence and Maturity Expectations: students/parents/staff
Attendance EMA: criteria for fortnightly payments
Code of Conduct High standard of personal appearance Follow procedures for absence during the school day: Punctuality Lates Notes Use of mobile phones Code of Conduct is available on the College website
On line Safety Keeping control Open Communication Aware of impacts of misuse Help is available - for possible use??
Examinations Timing Importance of Year 13 AS units May 2018 NO AS units re-sits January 2019 A2 units May/June 2019 Importance of Year 13 40% of A Level Importance of AS Trials Pressure of Resits in May/June of Year 14
Coursework High proportion of total marks Preparation, research, quality and deadlines Coursework deadlines AS coursework cannot be repeated in Year 14
Home study Recommended hours of homework/study per week: 15 hours (including independent home study) ‘Work’ / life balance
RETURN FOR YEAR 14 STUDY Minimum level of achievement to return (Three D Grades) Must study minimum of three A2 subjects Can only study four A2 subjects if minimum of four B grades are achieved at AS Level
Important Dates Prize Day Friday 27th October 2017 Parent/Teacher interviews – Thursday 9th November 2017 @ 4:30 – 6:00pm Wednesday 28th February 2018 @ 4:30 – 6:00pm Trials January 8th to 19th 2018