Developing an OSSE Testbed at NASA/SIVO


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Presentation transcript:

Developing an OSSE Testbed at NASA/SIVO D. Emmitt, M. Seablom, R. Atlas WG-SBLW 2-4 February 2010

Development of a USWRP Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) test bed Primary Objective (long term) To establish a numerical test bed that would enable a hierarchy of experiments to: determine the potential impact of proposed space-based, sub-orbital, and in situ observing systems on analyses and forecasts, evaluate trade-offs in observing system design, and assess proposed methodology for assimilating new observations in coordination with the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA). Sub-objectives (1) To define both the advantages and limitations of a hierarchy of OSSEs that includes rapid prototyping of instrument or data assimilation concepts, as well as the more rigorous “full” OSSEs. (2) To generate an OSSE/OSE process that invites participation by the broad community of agency planners, research scientists and operational centers.

FY09 Statement of Work We proposed to design an OSSE testbed for use by USWRP partners and academia as a collaboration between OAR/AOML, OAR/GSD, NESDIS/STAR, NWS/EMC and the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA). This testbed would be applicable to analysis/forecast impact studies, observing system design, instrument trade studies, future instrument constellation planning, and data utility investigations.

Development of a Sensor Web Simulator: Status and Preliminary Results for a Future Satellite Wind Lidar Mission Michael Seablom, Stephen Talabac NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Joseph Ardizzone Science Applications International Corporation Sheldon Applegate, Howard Kleinwaks TASC, Inc G. David Emmitt, Sidney Wood Simpson Weather Associates Robert Burns, Eric Kemp, Gary Wojcik Northrop Grumman Information Systems Robert M. Atlas NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory 14th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface, Atlanta GA, 18 January 2010

Project Goals Demonstrate value of sensor web concepts for meteorological use cases Quantify cost savings to missions Quantify improvement in achieving science goals Design and Build simulator with functional elements (sensors, communication networks, numerical models, data analysis systems, targeting techniques) Allow multiple “what if” scenarios for testing Use observing system simulation experiments to gage benefits

Components (1) SWA Doppler Lidar Simulation Model: Simulates winds (with expected errors) from Nature Run* (2) NOAA/NASA Complex Quality Control System *Using 20-day NASA fvGCM Nature Run (0.625 x 0.5 deg) starting from 11 Sep 1999; includes simulated conventional obs

Components (3) NOAA/NASA Gridpoint Interpolation System + NASA Goddard Earth Observing Model 5 (4) Objective feature detection algorithms (e.g, jet streams) (6) Includes AGI Satellite Tool Kit for orbit calculations and communications (5) GrADS-based GUI for manual target review

Use Case: Decadal Survey Mission Doppler Lidar Lidar switches between four shot positions Forward and aft shots can sample same region for 3D wind Each shot reduces lifetime of instrument Potential enhancements: Duty cycle modulation Dynamic targeting with slewing

Dynamic Targeting with Slewing Slew satellite left or right to capture targets outside nominal field of view Adds complexity to target decision; need optimization rule Above: Slew to capture cyclone target (blue)

Summary and Future Work Developing Sensor Web Simulator with observing system, data assimilation, modeling, and targeting components Components manually tested, integration still underway Supports proposed GWOS Decadal Survey Mission Extensible to other missions In future, will add other instruments: Polar orbiting scatterometer (XOVWM, DFS) GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager Geosynchronous microwave radiometer (PATH)