PC Steve Hudson & PC Mark Hodson


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Presentation transcript:

PC Steve Hudson & PC Mark Hodson Give Space Be Safe PC Steve Hudson & PC Mark Hodson

CMPG & WMRP CMPG or Central Motorway Police Group is a collaboration of three Police Forces in the West Midlands area. The department comprises of West Midlands Police, Staffordshire Constabulary & West Mercia Constabulary. Combined the CMPG covers over 4000sq miles across the three Counties including the main arterial routes connecting the north & south via the M6, M5, M42 & the M6 Toll. Together, all forces work in partnership to create safe and secure roads. WMRP is the West Midlands Road Policing, and part of their delivery plan is to reduce fatal 4 offences that contribute to killed or seriously injured collisions.

Operation Close Pass Chris Boardman

Our Partners Over the last 3 years, officers have developed a working relationship with Birmingham City Council, and in particular, Birmingham Cycling Revolution. Together we have been responsible for delivering the Exchanging Places programme in Birmingham, as well as delivering cycling education with Bike Right, and attending bike forums and cycle meetings throughout Birmingham. BCR have also provided funding for the free bike light initiative, with over 250 sets of lights issued to cyclists. We have also worked with other partners to assist us with the delivery of cycle education. These include Jaguar Land Rover, RoSPA, Birmingham University, Warwick University and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Head Trauma Unit.

The Research Between 2010- 2014 there were 530 KSI’s in the West Midlands involving cyclists resulting in 20 fatalities. (All Cyclists) 230 of those in Birmingham alone. Most collisions involving cyclists occur during the commuting period, weekdays between 0800-0859hrs and then 1600-1859hrs. 84% of collisions with a cycle involved a car. 75% occurred within 20 metres of a junction. Although majority of those were mid junction. The statistics show that the car or vehicle has been usually entering or exiting a junction and failed to see the cyclist. Nearly all occasions the weather has been fine with no adverse road conditions.

Give Space Be Safe Feedback from cyclists and cycling groups told us that the biggest barrier to cycling on the roads, was the fear of the close pass scenario. Although the statistics will tell us that most collisions happen mid-junction, in the majority of these cases, the driver has failed to see the cyclist, displaying a clear lack of driver awareness in identifying and dealing with cyclists on the road. In conjunction with BCR, the Give Space Be Safe initiative was devised. The aim of the initiative was to target those motorists that pass too close to cyclists, and provide them with education relevant to the offence, changing their future driving behaviour.

Roadside education The 1.5M distance is used as an educational tool for the motorist and not as a fixed distance for prosecution.

Methodology The mat has been designed to represent a section of road, with measurements displayed for the benefit of educating the motorist, not for enforcement guidelines. The 0.75 metre gap from the kerb, represents the mid point of the secondary riding position, between 0.5 and 1.0 metres. The 1.5 metre gap from the cyclist, represents a large door size of a vehicle when opened. Where possible, we will place a vehicle on the nearside at the top of the mat, and speak to motorists about the cyclists overtaking process. We also speak about pinch points and areas of high risk for cyclists, for example keep left bollards and pedestrian crossings, and explain when cyclists will adopt a primary position on the road.

The Highway Code Rule 163 of the Highway Code. Overtake only when it is safe and legal to do so. Give cyclists at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car.

The Law Road Traffic Act 1988 Section 3 Careless or Inconsiderate Driving It is driving that “falls below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver”. “If you drove like that on your test, what would happen?”

Risk Assessment & Tactics An operational order and risk assessment would have to be completed prior to any deployment. A Police Officer would be deployed on a bicycle and be in radio communication with Officers at a designated stop site and will radio through of any close passes he or she has encountered. The cycle is fitted with cameras supplied by Cycliq to give supporting evidence of close passes. There are unmarked Police vehicles positioned accordingly that can be mobilised instantly in order to stop and return motorists to the stop site, as well as providing safety for the cyclist. In most cases having successfully passed an eyesight test most drivers are given the opportunity for roadside education or be reported for the offence.

Advice A list of tips for drivers and cyclists was developed, using feedback from cyclists, research from RoSPA and general advice from advanced motorists. BCR put all this information together and printed leaflets to be handed to drivers.

Feedback There have been 9 deployments so far and all conducted within operational duty time for just several hours at a time. 130 Motorists have been spoken to. 8 reported for Due care and attention offences, 1 licence immediately revoked. 1 refused roadside education. Over 100 motorists reported, from 3rd party footage received from a select group of cyclists.

In Conclusion The ultimate goal in the Give Space Be Safe initiative is to reduce road death and serious injury to cyclists. Going forward, the current increase in levels of road traffic is not sustainable, and other forms of travel need to be encouraged and utilised. The benefits of cycling are fantastic not only from a personal level with regards to health and well being but from a global benefit with reduced pollution and less congestion within City Centres.

What next? Added value of the operation to include other offences such as mobile phone, distracted driving, and seat belt offences. Similar covert operations to protect other vulnerable road user groups – Op SaferCrossing A new ethos of concentrating on the greatest threat at the most vulnerable locations

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