Cyber risk and Terrorism risk - Challenges in pricing 27th India Fellowship Seminar Cyber risk and Terrorism risk - Challenges in pricing How critical the built up of estate is in participating fund and How best that can be utilised for the benefits of all stakeholders? Guide: Philip Jackson Presenters: Sunil Vishnu Savalkar Shalmalee Prakash Paralkar Neha Aggarwal Supervisor: P.A. Balasubramanian, FIAI 1st & 2nd June 2017 Mumbai Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Agenda Cyber risk and Terrorism risk - Challenges in pricing INTRODUCTION HOW IS ESTATE GENERATED? WHO ARE THE STAKEHOLDERS? WHY TO HAVE ESTATE? ESTATE – BEST UTILISATION ESTATE – IS THERE AN IDEAL LEVEL? Supervisor: P.A. Balasubramanian, FIAI Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Introduction What is a With-Profit / Participating (Par) contract: A contract where policyholder participates in any surplus / profits emerging i.e. the policyholders get a share of profits from the policy Cyber risk and Terrorism risk - Challenges in pricing IRDAI (Distribution of Surplus) Regulations, 2002 states that the shareholders shall be allocated “1/9th of the surplus allocated to the participating policyholders”. Thus, policyholder : shareholder share the surplus in 90:10 proportion. What is Asset Share: GN6 defines asset share as “…the accumulation of the premiums received plus investment income earned from the inception, less deductions due to benefit payments, commission, expenses, tax, a reasonable cost of capital and of guarantees, contribution from miscellaneous surplus (if considered appropriate) and transfers to shareholders”. Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Introduction What is Estate: IRDAI (Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report of Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2002 defines FFA as “The FFA shall represent all funds, the allocation of which, either to the policyholders or to the shareholders, has not been determined by the end of the financial year”. Estate can be defined as: “excess of par assets over those required to meet the reasonable expectations of existing participating policyholders”; or “excess of par assets over reserves or asset share”; or “the undistributed surplus in with-profit fund.” There is no standard definition of estate. So for our discussion we will not restrict ourselves to any specific definition of estate, but try to cover generic points on the topic. Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest How is estate generated? Profits from surrendered policies Surrender benefit should represent asset share: IRDA (Non-Linked Insurance Products) Regulations, 2013 Excess of asset share over surrender benefit is surrender profit. If not allocated to asset share – contributes to estate when estate is defined as “assets over asset share” Deferral of distribution of surplus Entire emerged surplus may not distributed – Some portion of it may be retained to act as buffer against adverse events If estate is considered as “assets in excess of reserves”, then such undistributed surplus contributes to estate. Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest How is estate generated? Deductions from Asset Share Cost of capital and cost of guarantees deducted from asset share contribute to estate – if estate is defined as “assets over asset share” Riders attached to par policies Riders attached to par policies are written in the par fund. Riders have potential to generate significant profits Such rider profit can’t be distributed as and when it arises This rider profit contributes to estate Non par business written in par fund Historically, non participating business allowed to be written in the Par fund Profits from such business can’t be distributed as and when it arises This profit contributes to estate. Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest How is estate generated? Tax Credit Tax is payable on distributable surplus. Tax may not be payable at the company level, due to past accumulated losses. Tax savings contribute to estate. Contributions by Shareholders Contributions from shareholder a major source of estate in UK(1) In India, shareholders can inject, only to declare bonus if par fund is in deficit and in the first 12 years of the par fund. Alternatively, shareholders can retain their share of distributed surplus in the par fund – contributing to the estate. (1) The UK House of Commons, Treasury Committee’s Report, 2008 Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Who are the Stakeholders? POLICYHOLDER Contributes to the par fund by way of premiums Expects good and stable returns in form of bonuses Entitled to receive 90% of the distributable surplus. SHAREHOLDER Injects capital to makeup for deficit in par fund Expects speedy recovery of capital Entitled to receive 10% of the distributable surplus MANAGEMENT Manages the par fund Remuneration linked to performance of the par fund Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Who are the Stakeholders? DISTRIBUTOR Interacts with policyholder in the field Expects good sales story aided by historically competitive bonuses REGULATOR Ensures fair treatment and security to policyholder Lays down the operational framework for business Ensures compliance with the regulations For our further discussions, we will consider the policyholder and shareholder as the primary stakeholders. Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Why to have estate? 1. To pay higher than asset share To fund the payouts greater than the asset share Payouts greater than asset share happen due to smoothing principles of the company or due to guarantees provided or, due to competitive pressures.. The company can use estate to pay higher bonuses in a falling market cut the bonuses slowly 2. Provides investment freedom Improves risk taking capability in the investment strategy Allows investment in volatile but high return generating assets Helps increase the return on the fund over longer term Results in better returns to the policyholders and shareholders. Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Why to have estate? 3. Funds the new business capital strain Writing new business may give rise to capital strain Can be funded by estate Allows to write new business with higher guaranteed component Avoids a strain on the solvency position of the company due to writing of new business 4. Absorb expense over-runs Expense over-run = Actual expense – Expense allowances Historically, expense overruns partly allocated to the estate IRDAI regulation on Expenses of Management may curtail such practice 5. Improves Solvency Estate forms part of free surplus Improves solvency ratio Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Why to have estate? 6. Withstand adverse events One off events can arise either from insurance risk or market risk Helps absorb the losses in the event of one off events Supports one-off development costs incurred for par business 7. Lower cost of reinsurance Allows to increase exposure to mortality risk Provides ability to absorb mortality variation Retention limit could be increased Reduces dependency on reinsurer and in turn reduces counterparty risk 8. Increases Goodwill Increases probability of meeting PRE Improves financial strength by giving ability to withstand risks Improves credit rating Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Estate – Best Utilisation SMOOTHING OF BONUS Shareholders prefer early return on their investment – higher regular bonus and low terminal bonus - fluctuation in regular bonus would be acceptable. Policyholder expects steady bonuses in line with PRE created by illustrated bonuses, past declared bonuses and bonuses declared by other companies Appointed Actuary needs to maintain a balance between the two opposite expectations Bonus sustainability to be examined under various scenarios (of investment return, policyholder behaviour, mortality or one off loss) before increasing regular bonuses. Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Estate – Best Utilisation FLEXIBILITY IN INVESTMENT STRATEGY Shareholders as well as policyholders expect higher returns Availability of estate allows investment in riskier asset classes like equity and property - raising possibility to earn higher investment returns Too risky assets may adversely impact the size of estate Appointed Actuary needs to evaluate and recommend appropriate investment strategy that would maintain a balance between risk and reward Appointed Actuary should sensitise the management against investment in too risky assets Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Estate – Best Utilisation SUPPORT NEW BUSINESS CAPITAL STRAIN Shareholders will expect writing new business with lower capital injections in the par fund New products with higher guarantees can be introduced These may affect policyholders interest in the estate Appointed Actuary must ensure that the policyholders funding the capital are not unduly penalised Policyholders’ capital needs to be treated the same way as the shareholder capital. Credit may be given in the computation of asset share of such policyholders Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Estate – Best Utilisation ABSORB EXPENSE OVER-RUNS Acquisition expenses higher than those implicit in benefit illustration may be allocated to estate - it is in the interest of shareholders. This, however, may not always be in the best interests of the policyholders. Regulation on Expenses of Management issued by IRDAI limits allocation of such expense over-runs. Appointed Actuary and Chief Financial Officer must ensure that expenses are allocated and apportioned to the par fund appropriately Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Estate – Best Utilisation DECLARING SPECIAL BONUS Shareholders may prefer early release of estate for speedy returns on their investment Policyholders will also expect a fair share of estate Different generations of policyholders may have contributed differently to the estate Appropriate consideration needs to be given to each generation while determining their share of special bonus – Equitable distribution of surplus Consideration needs to be given to solvency position before and after special bonus Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Estate – Best Utilisation GENERATING GOODWILL Declaring stable, competitive bonuses and meeting PRE results in happy and satisfied customers Such happy customers help build a positive image of the company This improves persistency and adds to shareholder value This also helps distributors in convincing prospective policyholders Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Estate – Is there an ideal level? The above discussion leads to a question: WHAT IS THE IDEAL LEVEL OF ESTATE? There is no single answer to this. Areas that may be considered include: Supporting solvency is one of the major uses of estate. Management may use estate to support solvency of non-par business. If this is so, assets will excessively be locked in the par fund. Therefore, estate can be maintained at a level which achieves the solvency target only of the par fund. Historically, if stable bonus has been maintained then a PRE is created. A higher level of estate needs to be maintained to sustain this PRE. Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest Estate – Is there an ideal level? A high level of estate may imply reduced distribution of surplus. This may suggest a probable unequal distribution across generations of policyholders. To avoid this, any excess estate over that reasonably required needs to be distributed – maybe by way of special bonus. Higher estate allows greater ability to take risk – increasing risk appetite. The desired level of risk appetite will guide in deciding the ideal level of estate. Thus, the decision of ideal level of estate is subjective and requires a lot of expertise, experience and judgment of the management especially the Appointed Actuary. Indian Actuarial Profession Serving the Cause of Public Interest
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