Ch.14 Sect.1: The Sociology of Education
Stupid in America Children must acquire knowledge, skills,… Education— Small societies… Parents may teach… Formal education… Schooling— Functionalist Conflict Interactionist
The Functionalist Perspective Most important functions are… Core curriculum Generate new knowledge Educ provides the means through which… Research in college…
Transmission of Culture Schools most important… patriotism… Support communities own social/political systems Superiority of own schools Acceptable forms of behavior Agent of social control
Social Integration Schools provide… Melting pot Americanize in the early 1900s Mosaic
Occupational Placement Screen and select… Special talents and abilities… Tests and evaluations… Japanese society “cram schools” Japanese exams “examination war”
Conflict Perspective Limit potential of… Social control serves to… Hidden curriculum… Children are taught to be… Behavior problem kids… What is the goal?
Tracking Tracking— Based on… Goal is… Lower social classes… Middle class kids… Jeannie Oakes study… Instruction students receive… Higher tracks and lower tracks
Education & Socioeconomic Status Distributed unequally High status… Low status… Minority groups… Status affects achievement in 3 ways 1st 2nd 3rd
Interactionist Perspective Interaction between… Ray Rist Tracking pattern Teachers let students know…
Educational Reform A Nation at Risk Fallen behind in… Reform the US educational system What did states do? Did it help? Goals 2000 (p. 358) NEGP
Educational Alternatives Charter Schools Charter establishes… Charter can be… MN 1991 How many? School Choice— Homeschooling— Why? Critics say…
Violence in the Schools 47%... Columbine Teachers are… Schools are safest place for kids Security measures Zero tolerance— School violence prevention program