Does the Bible Teach That... August 25, 2000 Does the Bible Teach That... My Salvation... Is All of God... And None of Me…? From sin and its punishment He is the only active participant in my salvation I have no role or part - no obedience or cooperation of any kind Many in the world of religion tell us that salvation is an act of God—out of His love, mercy, and grace; man can do nothing to save himself. Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
What Is the Issue? Is salvation of God? Are we saved by grace? August 25, 2000 What Is the Issue? Is salvation of God? “Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9) Are we saved by grace? “By grace you have been saved” (Ephesians 2;8) What is the issue? Let us begin by what is NOT THE ISSUE: Is salvation of the Lord? Certainly, no one could be saved without the plan that God gave for man’s salvation. Are we saved by grace? No one will or can be saved without God ‘s grace! Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
-”Is gift of God.”—Ephesians 2:8 August 25, 2000 What Is the Issue? Is salvation a gift? -”Is gift of God.”—Ephesians 2:8 Can I earn my salvation? -“Not of works, lest anyone boast.”—Ephesians 2:8 Is salvation a gift? Without a doubt. It is freely offered from God to the sinner. Can I earn my salvation? Never. We cannot merit, earn, or pay back the debt we owe. If man obeys all of God commands, he can not earn his salvation. (Lk.17:10) These are not the real issues. Sadly, many religious people want to drag us into discussions that claim these are the issues. It is a smokescreen. We believe everything the Bible tells us about these issues. Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
What Is the Issue? Am I required to do anything to be saved? August 25, 2000 What Is the Issue? Am I required to do anything to be saved? Does grace exclude all works on my part? How does God save us by grace? Let’s identify the REAL ISSUES: Am I required to do anything to be saved? Does grace exclude all works on my part? How does God save us by His grace? We will endeavor to answer these questions! Here is the real issue! Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
Is Anything Required of Man? August 25, 2000 Is Anything Required of Man? Matthew 7:21 “he who does the will of my Father in heaven” Matthew 7:24-27 “whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them” Mark10:17 “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” Does God require anything of man? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said only those who DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER. At the end of the same sermon, He said only those who heard these things and DID THEM would profit. When the rich young ruler came to Jesus asking about eternal life, he wanted to know what TO DO…Why weren’t these people told to do NOTHING? Why weren’t these people told to do “nothing”? Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
Is Anything Required of Man? August 25, 2000 Is Anything Required of Man? Acts 2:37,38 -”What shall we do”? Acts 9:6 -”Lord, what do you want me to do?” Acts 16:30 -”Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” What about Acts 2:37? What did those Jews ask on the Day of Pentecost? What did Saul ask the Lord on the road to Damascus? What did the Philippian jailer ask Paul? Why weren’t these people told to do “nothing”? Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
Does Grace Exclude ALL Works? August 25, 2000 Does Grace Exclude ALL Works? Matt.6:11 Exclude? 2 Thess.3:10 Acts 27:24 Exclude? Acts 27:31 Josh.6:2 Exclude? Josh.6:3-5,20 Acts 15:11 Exclude? Acts 10:35 Does God’s grace EXCLUDE all works? We are to pray for our DAILY BREAD (Matt.6:11), but we must work for it (2 Thess.3:10). Paul said all those on the ship would be saved with him (Acts 27:24), but they HAD TO stay on the ship (Acts 27:31). God told Joshua that Jericho had been given to them (Josh.6:2), but they still had to walk around the walls (Josh. 6:2-5,20). Peter told the elders at Jerusalem that Gentiles would be saved in the same manner as the Jews (Acts 15:11), but they also had to obey (Acts 10:34,35). Grace and Works Are Not Mutually Exclusive Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
Does Grace Exclude ALL Works? August 25, 2000 Does Grace Exclude ALL Works? Justified by Works (Jam.2:24) Not of Works (Eph.2:9) Works of the Devil (1Jn.3:8) Works of darkness (Eph.5:11) Works of the flesh (Gal.5:19) Works of the Law of Moses (Gal.2:16) Works of God (Matt.21:25) (Jn.6:28-29) Does grace exclude ALL works? It does exclude the works of the devil (1 Jno.3:8). The works of darkness (Eph.5:11). Not the works of the flesh (Gal.5:19-21). Works of Moses’ Law (Gal.2:16). FAITH is a work (Jno.6:29). Grace does not EXCLUDE faith (Eph.2:10) Grace includes the works that God gives us to accomplish (Jam.2:14-26). Faith Is a Work!! (Jn.6:28-29) Grace does not exclude faith (Eph.2:8) Therefore, grace does not exclude ALL works Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
Salvation by Grace Through Faith August 25, 2000 “For by grace you have been saved through faith” (Eph.2:8) “We have access by faith into this grace” (Rom.5:1) FAITH Working Faith (Jas.2:22) (Gal.5:6) GRACE “Faith Only” Salvation is by grace—through FAITH!! This faith is Bible faith, an obedient faith. We work with God’s grace by following His will! Our faith allows us to access God’s grace (Rom.5:1) FAITH ALONE cannot save. This belief is a teaching of men; the doctrine of FAITH ALONE means MENTAL ASSENT! “Not by faith only” (Jas.2:24) “Faith without works is dead” (Jas.2:20) Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
GRACE Access by Faith Into This Grace “lived” “the walls fell” “clean” August 25, 2000 “Not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” (Eph.2:8) By Faith The Israelites looked at the bronze serpent (Num.21:8-9) “lived” “not by faith only” (Jam. 2:24) “the walls fell” By Faith The Israelites marched around Jericho (Heb.11:30) GRACE “not by faith only” (Jam. 2:24) By Faith Naaman dipped 7 times in the Jordan river (2 Ki. 5:10-14) “clean” Our faith gives us access to God’s grace. Let us examine four examples of how it works. Bronze serpent in the wilderness (Num.21:8,9). Capturing the city of Jericho (Heb.11:30) Cleansing of Naaman (2 Kings 5:10-14) Blind man receives his sight (Jno.9:1-7) “not by faith only” (Jam. 2:24) By Faith The blind man washed in the pool of Siloam (Jn.9:7) “seeing” “not by faith only” (Jam. 2:24) Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
By Grace You Have Been Saved (Eph.2:8) August 25, 2000 No Savior No Blood No H.S. No Gospel No Salvation GRACE ONLY Disposition of unmerited favor OR... Christ GRACE “It Is the Gift of God” (Eph.2:9) If ‘GRACE ONLY needs no Savior, no blood, no HS, no Gospel—then there’s NO SALVATION. Grace was “made known” in Christ (Acts 4:12) through: Shedding of His blood (Eph.1:7) Holy Spirit—revealed God’s mind (1 Cor.2:9-13) The gospel--God’s power to save (Rom.1:16) Blood Disposition of unmerited favor manifested in... Holy Spirit Gospel Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
You Have Been Saved Through Faith (Eph.2:8) August 25, 2000 GRACE FAITH ONLY No Love for God No Repentance No Confession No access by faith only (Jam.2:24) Disposition of trust and confidence OR... Believe FAITH GRACE If we are saved by FAITH ONLY, there’s no need for: God’s love (1 Cor.13:1-3)) REPENTANCE (ACTS 17:30) Confession (Matt.10:32,33) Obedience to the gospel plan of salvation puts one into a position where he can access the “grace of God” that saves us! “we have access by faith into this grace” (Rom.5:1) Disposition of trust and confidence manifested in... Repent Confess Baptized Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
GRACE eis = “into” Access by Faith Into This Grace (Rom.5:2) FAITH August 25, 2000 eis = “into” FAITH ...the saving of the soul” (Heb.10:39) Believe “believe to .. “Working through Love” (Gal.5:6) “repentance leading to... Repent ...salvation” (2Cor.7:10) GRACE “And by works faith was made perfect” (Jas.2:22) “confession is made unto... Explain the chart! Working faith coupled with God’s grace! Confess ...salvation” (Rom.10:10) ...the remission of sins” (Ac.2:38) Be Baptized “baptized for... Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
Faith in the Working of God August 25, 2000 “In baptism… raised… through faith in the working of God” (Eph.2:8) GRACE Faith in... The Working of God Raised with Him Made alive together with Him Forgiven Baptism “Buried with Him” Our obedience to baptism manifests our faith in God’s grace—that He will cleanse us from our sins. We are not cleansed by the water but by our obedience and the blood of Christ. (Eph.2:12-16; Rom.6:1-7; Col.2:11-13) Baptism manifests our faith in God’s power to cleanse us from all our sins. (Cf. Jam.2:18) Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
When Were We Saved by Grace Through Faith? August 25, 2000 (Ephesians 2:5-10) “Even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus… For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Colossians 2:12-13 “Buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead. And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all your trespasses.” When were we saved by GRACE through FAITH? Let us study two passages of scripture—Eph.2:5-10 and Col.2:12,13 (Explain each highlighted word) “In Baptism” Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
How Do We “Receive” God’s Gift? August 25, 2000 John 1:11-13 To them (as many as received Him) He gave the right to become children of God To those who: 1) Believe in His name 2) Were born… of God Born of God = Born again - of water and the Spirit (Jn.3:3-5) Born of the Spirit = Begotten or born through the Word (Jam.1:18;1Pet.1:22-23) Born of Water = Water Baptism in His name (Acts 10:47) Newness of life (Rom.6:4) - Made sons of God (Gal.3:26-27) By “Believing” and being “Born of God” Study and explain John 1:11-13 Explain be “Born again” by the WATER and SPIRIT. Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
The Divine Chain Every Part Must Be in Its Place August 25, 2000 GOD’S infinite goodness provided GRACE. GRACE provided a SAVIOR. SAVIOR provided SACRIFICE and H.S. HOLY SPIRIT provided the GOSPEL. GOSPEL provided HEARING and BELIEVING. BELIEF changes the heart and leads to… Repentance Confession Immersion into DEATH BLOOD of SACRIFICE washes away sin. SAVIOR adds us to His BODY OF SAFETY. God, by grace, provided what man could not provide for himself. His grace provided a Savior as a REMEDY (Jno.3:16). The Savior died and sent the Holy Spirit (Jno.16:7-13; Acts 1:8). Holy Spirit revealed the gospel (1 Cor.2:9-13). Gospel message touches the heart of man, convicting him of sin. (Jam.1:21) Belief changes man’s heart to REPENT, CONFESS, and be BAPTIZED. The blood of His Son washes away our sins (Acts 22:16). God adds us to the body (Acts 2:47). Prepared by Brett W. Hogland
God Has Done His Part - Have You Done Yours?? How Are We Saved? August 25, 2000 The Bible Answer Provision Made: Blood of Christ - Col.1:20; 1Pet.1:18ff Shed for all - Heb.2:9; Rom.6:10 Message given - Titus 2:11-14; 1Pet.1:22ff Response Necessary by Us: Hear the gospel - John 6:44-45; Mk.16:15 Believe it - Mk.16:16; John 3:16 Repent of sins - Lk.13:3; Acts 2:38 Confess faith - Rom.10:10 Be baptized - Acts 22:16; Rom.6:3-7 God Has Done His Part - Have You Done Yours?? Conclusion--Provision had been made. Everyone has a chance to respond to God’s loving and saving grace! God did His Part. Have you done yours? Why not answer the grace of God by obeying the gospel today? Prepared by Brett W. Hogland