Classroom Policies & Procedures Ms. James 2014-2015
School Rules No food or drinks; No cell phones or electronics (except during allowed BYOT times; No profanity
What does the average day look like? 1st Period Warm-up (vocab), Grammar/Literature 3rd & 4th Warm-up (sentence), Vocabulary, Grammar/Literature
Be in your seat when the bell rings. Tardy Policy Be in your seat when the bell rings.
Seating Assigned seats, Note group stickers, Face the front (or where I am in the classroom)
Leaving Seat Sharpen pencil, tissue, etc. -Please raise your hand and ask but not while I’m instructing.
What if I need to use the restroom? Tape pass in daybook, 3 times/9 weeks,
Do I have to carry my textbook around all day? Pre-AP Honors English II – Yes English II – No However, when you do have reading homework, I do then expect you to do it.
Each group has one, Matches group number and color, Please maintian Group Baskets Each group has one, Matches group number and color, Please maintian
What if I’m absent? Check the Make-up Box FIRST! Reschedule tests/quizzes to take during Bulldog Best or after school.
Late Work 1st - Late work will not be accepted. 3rd & 4th – May only be turned in the day following the original due date.
Materials Come to class prepared. Daybook/Binder every day. Speak with me if need help purchasing.
Don’t cheat. Period.
What if I get detention? Don’t… but if you do: Your date will be assigned (Tues/Thurs). Missing it will result in a referral.
What if I need extra help? PLEASE ASK!
PRO Points -50 point grade for taking ownership in class. -Numerous options to be completed at various points throughout the nine-weeks. -See PRO Points Handout (3rd & 4th only)
Butt in chair or go nowhere. Make sure you leave our room clean. End of class Butt in chair or go nowhere. Make sure you leave our room clean.