Argyle High School Parent Meeting Course Registration 2017-18 Freshmen/Class of 2020 Sophomores/Class of 2019 Juniors/Class of 2018
Assistant Principals: Argyle High School Principal: James Hill Assistant Principals: Christy Keck John King Counselors: Margo Bigbee A-L Kathy Arendt M-Z
Agenda Hand-outs Timeline for Course Registration GPA and Rank Class of 2018 and Beyond – FHSP Graduation Plan and Endorsements Distinguished Level of Achievement Endorsements & Personal Acknowledgements Testing Important Links Questions
Hand-outs Graduation Plans FHSP and Endorsements – Classes of 2018 - 2020 Performance Acknowledgements and Distinguished Level of Achievement Requirements AHS Endorsement Options
Timeline for Course Registration Classroom Presentations (Lecture Hall): Tuesday, March 7 – Current Sophomores (AP) Wednesday, March 8 – Current Freshmen Thursday, March 9 – Current Sophomores On-line Course Selection/Return Materials (Lecture Hall): Try to have courses inputted in “Student Access by Friday, March 10.
Things To Consider Schedule Changes will be limited. Students need to consult with current teachers if they have questions regarding placement for next year. Level changes must be made in the first 6 weeks after teacher/parent, counselor and administrative consideration.
Grade Point Average and Rank
Grade Point Average Class of 2018 The District shall include in the calculation all grades earned in grades 9-12 for state credit. Exclusions – Marching band in the fall semester for state credit Grades earned by credit by examination Summer school programs Courses repeated for local credit Repeated course due to failure Correspondence courses On-line instruction Last class to have Middle School Courses not figure into GPA for High School
Grade Point Average Class of 2019 The District shall include in the calculation all grades earned in grades 9-12 for state credit and grades earned for high school credit in grades 7 and 8 Exclusions – Marching band in the fall semester for state credit Grades earned by credit by examination Summer school programs Courses repeated for local credit Repeated course due to failure Correspondence courses On-line instruction
Grade Point Average and Rank AHS uses a 100 point weighted GPA scale. GPA is cumulative. It is recalculated each semester. GPA determines class rank. The State of Texas says a student can have automatic admission to any public university if he/she is in the top 10% of the class. The student must complete an application and meet all deadlines. (UT at Austin is the only exception – it is currently the top 7%.)
Grade Point Average Class of 2018 and Beyond Pre-AP and Honors courses will be weighted by 7% of the semester grade. (This includes UIL courses.) AP and Dual courses will be weighted by 10% of the semester grade. The grade earned will be reflected on the transcript and report card. The weight is added into the calculation of the GPA at the end of the semester. Most colleges are making admissions decisions based on the transcript from the end of the junior year.
Class of 2018 and Beyond Foundation High School Plan Requires a total of 22 credits to include: English (4 Credits)– Eng. I, Eng. II, Eng. III and an advanced English Math (3 Credits)– Algebra I, Geometry and an advanced math Science (3 Credits)– Biology, IPC or Chemistry I or Physics and an advanced science Social Studies (3 Credits)– World Geography or Human Geography AP or World History, US History, Government, and Economics LOTE (2 Credits)– Spanish I and II or French I and II Physical Education (1 Credit) Fine Arts (1 Credit) Elective Credits (5 Credits)
Endorsements The FHSP plus at least one endorsement requires 26 credits. Each entering 9th grade student is required by the State of Texas to declare an endorsement. AHS strongly recommends completing the Multidisciplinary Endorsement to be well prepared for college. An endorsement is earned by: completing the FHSP taking a 4th math credit (to include Algebra II) taking a 4th science credit completing a specified coherent sequence of courses in one or more of the five endorsement areas. Multidisciplinary – 4 cores all 4 years (including English IV, Chemistry or Physics. Or, take 4 AP or Dual Credit courses).
**LAGRONE ATC OPTIONS ARE IN YOUR PACKET.** Areas of Endorsements STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) AHS Options: Math or Science Business and Industry AHS Options: Business Management and Administration or Finance Public Services AHS Option: Health Science Arts and Humanities AHS Options: Social Studies, Fine Art, LOTE Same Language, LOTE Different Language, or English Multidisciplinary Studies Four credits in four core areas to include English IV and Chemistry and/or Physics **LAGRONE ATC OPTIONS ARE IN YOUR PACKET.**
Distinguished Level of Achievement Class of 2018 and Beyond
Class of 2018 - Distinguished Achievement Plan *Must meet these four criteria: Successfully completing the Foundation program Earning at least one Endorsement Completing four levels of Science Completing four levels of Math including Algebra II
Distinguished Level of Achievement To be considered for the top 10% a student must meet the Distinguished Level of Achievement. Distinguished Level of Achievement - The achievement will be noted on the diploma and transcript. Successfully completing the FHSP Earning at least one Endorsement Completing four levels of Science Completing four levels of Math that includes Alg. 2
Things To Consider… In choosing or changing an endorsement, students need to consider interests and career goals. It is important for students to consider this as career exploration. This is not locking them into a college major. Opting Out - if a student chooses not to seek an endorsement, there is a state-generated form that must be signed by the student and parent. The student may not opt out until the end of the sophomore year or after.
Things to Consider… It is important to research each college to find out what the college’s High School Requirements will be. (Multidisciplinary is often required for more selective universities). Some of the endorsement options require students to attend the LaGrone Advanced Technology Complex (ATC) in Denton. Students must fill out an application and have three consecutive periods available in their schedule during the junior and senior years in order for them to attend the ATC. (Applications due March 3).
Professional Acknowledgements Class of 2018 and Beyond
Professional Acknowledgements You may earn Performance Acknowledgments on your transcript in multiple areas. Outstanding Performance in Dual Credit Courses Outstanding Performance in Bilingualism and Biliteracy Outstanding Performance in College Advanced Placement Outstanding Performance on the PSAT, ACT-Plan, SAT, or ACT Earning a Nationally or Internationally Recognized Certification.
Testing and Accountability
Testing – STAAR EOC’s STAAR Testing (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) The STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) assessments include: English I English II Algebra I Biology US History Students who do not meet minimum standards will be given another opportunity to test in the summer . If the summer score is below the minimum standard or if the student is unable to take the summer assessment(s), the student will be placed in a test preparation/acceleration course.
College Admissions Testing PSAT - All sophomores take the PSAT. Juniors register and pay to take the PSAT for the National Merit Scholarship Competition SAT and ACT - College admission testing for admission to four year colleges/universities. We recommend that students take both exams.
New Courses Dance I (Fine Arts) – 1 credit Dance I (Aerobics PE – 1 credit Drill Team I (Fine Arts) – 1 credit Principles of Human Service – ½ credit (9-11th grades) Principles of Education & Training - ½ credit (9-11TH grades) Human Growth & Development (Recommended Prerequisite – Prin. Of Ed. & Training Interior Design – 1 credit (10-12th grades) Fashion Design – 1 credit (10-12th grades) Fashion Design Lab – 1 credit (10-12th grades) Interpersonal Studies – ½ credit (11-12th grades) Banking and Finance – ½ credit American Sign Language – 1 credit Art III – Printmaking – 1 credit (Art II Printmaking required prerequisite)
**DUAL CREDIT MEETING APRIL (Date to be announced) Dual Credit - TWU English III US History English IV (Must have taken English III Dual Credit) Chemistry Calculus U.S. Government (one semester) Macro Economics (one semester) Micro Economics (one semester) College Algebra (Fall) Elementary Stats (Spring) **DUAL CREDIT MEETING APRIL (Date to be announced)
Important Links