Use Of Risk Assessments in Utah Sentencing Jacey Skinner Director, Utah Sentencing Commission National Association of State Sentencing Commissions 2012
The LSI Level of Services Inventory Intended to predict risk of recidivism Identifies criminogenic risk factors and targets for intervention Determines level of supervision and gauges effectiveness of supervision
Initial use Recommendations at sentencing Incorporated into all Felony Presentence reports Development of Case Management Plan Revaluation Implementation of the case management plan Use by the Board of Pardons and Parole Follow through with the Case Management Plan Reevaluation occurs every 6 months or upon a significant change of circumstances.
Adult Sentencing and Release Guidelines LSI
Adult Sentencing and Release Guidelines Published by the Utah Sentencing Commission Combination of : Criminal History Crime Category Used to make a “placement recommendation” for the offender Options Probation Intermediate Sanctions Imprisonment
Recommendation: This consists of the Adult Sentencing and Release Guideline recommendation, combined with Aggravating and Mitigating factors and specific information from the LSI.
Recommendation: Adult Sentencing and Release Guidelines + Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances = Placement Recommendation
Assessment Use IN Sentencing Guidelines: Placement Use Prison Recommendation: Case Management Plan Probation Recommendation: Determines conditions of probation and Case Management Plan
The listed Domains are subcomponent areas that are tested and identified by the LSI in order to address high risk/need areas.
Case Management plan: intended to structure supervision in order to replace risk factors with protective factors Accomplished by the use of Factors identified through the LSI Reassessment And specific assessments
Case Management Plan - follows offender through all stages of supervision and incarceration - reassessment and reevaluation of plan
Used by board of pardons and parole in making release decisions
Jacey Skinner