History and Divine Revelation 1. How did God reveal himself? 2. Who were the first keepers of revelation? 3. How was God’s revelation to the Jews recorded? 4. What is God’s greatest revelation? 5. What did Jesus do? How did he preserve and fulfill revelation? 6. Who are the “safe-keepers” of revelation today? 7. Of what does revelation consist?
The Bible 1. Who inspired the Bible? 2. Who wrote it on paper? 3. How does God’s inspiration work? Did it take away the free will of the writers? 4. What aspects of the writing were not inspired? 5. How do we know that there are not any errors in the Bible with regard to the teaching needed for salvation? 6. Are faith and science contrary to one another?
The Magisterium 1. Who is the protector and teacher of God’s revelation? 2. Who are the successors of Peter and the apostles? 3. What is their teaching authority called? 4. Who do they teach? 5. Who guides the teaching office in the Church? 6. What special gift does the teaching office possess? 7. What teachings are protected from error?
Chapter 2 Review 1. How does inspiration work? Did it take away the free will of the writers? 2. What aspects of the writing were not inspired? 3. How do we know that there are not any errors in the Bible with regard to the teaching needed for salvation? 4. Who are the successors of Peter and the apostles? What is their teaching authority called? 5. Who guides the teaching office in the Church? 6. What special gift does the teaching office possess? 7. What teachings are protected from error?
Defend your Faith by answering the following questions… 1. What is the difference between the Catholic and Protestant Bibles? 2. Why do we need both the Old and New Testaments? 3. As Protestants, we believe in following only the Bible. Why do you have a Pope? 4. How can you say a human man (the Pope) is infallible? Doesn’t he sin like everyone else? 5. The Bible is just a book written by humans. It is just like the Qur’an right? 6. The Catholic Church says Mary appeared in Fatima. Is this divine revelation?