Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran
Basic Question 1. What is the difference between the roles of the head of state and the head of government. The position of the head of state is mostly ceremonial. Unlike the head of government who runs the day to day operations of the government.
Israel 1. What is the structure of Israel’s government? Israel has a unity system of government in which the government in Jerusalem handles most governments functions.
Form of Leadership in Israel 2. Explain Israel’s form of leadership. The president is the head of state which means his role is mostly ceremonial. However, the prime is the head of government and handles the functioning of the government.
President, Reuven Rivlin Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is the leader of the country. He deals with the daily functioning of the government. President, Reuven Rivlin attends ceremonial functions and represents the country. Their roles are very different! 3. Who is the president and prime minister and how are their roles different?
4. What does Israel have instead of a Constitution? The people of Israel follow “Basic Law’ in their country. Basic Law is used in place of a Constitution. It is the layout for law in a country. The Legislature of Israel = Knesset
5. How is human rights a problem in Israel? Positive 1. Citizens over 18 can vote for members of the Legislature (Knesset) Negative There is discrimination against Arabs in education and job opportunities. Women are also discriminated against. The people have to deal with terrorist attacks.
Saudi Arabia: Monarchy 1. How is a monarchy different from a president or prime minister? A monarch is selected through a family bloodline. A president or prime minister can be appointed or elected by the people.
King of Saudi Arabia 2. King Salman is the king of Saudi Arabia. What are his roles in government? 3. How is the Kings power limited? Absolute Monarchy There is no written Constitution that limits the power of the king. Is both the Head of State and Head of Government. The Kings power is limited by Islamic Law
Saudi Arabia: Quran 4. How is the Quran used as Saudi’s Constitution? Every aspect of government and the lives of its citizens are based on the Quran and Islamic Law. Not following Islamic Law can lead to prison or death.
Think About This Which country has a some form of constitution? Which country has elected leaders? Which country does not? Which country’s laws are based on religion? 5. How is Saudi Arabia’s government from that of Israel?
Saudi Arabia: Human Rights 6. How are human rights a problem in Saudi Arabia? The citizens of Saudi Arabia do not have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, or freedom of assembly. There is also a lack of equal rights for women, children, and noncitizen workers.
Iran: Government 1. What is the structure of Iran’s government? Iran is a theocratic republic with a presidential system. The government of Iran is based on Islamic Law.
Iran’s Government 2. Explain Iran’s form of leadership. Which leader has the most power? Iran has a chief of state who is the Supreme Leader of the country. He does control some executive power like the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He has the final say in all matters and has the power to replace the president. The head of government is the president. He introduces and passes laws. He is elected by the people.
Iran’s Government System 3. Who is the chief of state and President of Iran? President Hassan Rouhani. He can serve four years. He is elected by the people. He is the head of the cabinet of 22 ministers.
4. Iran’s political system is a combination of democracy and religion. Supreme Leader is the highest religious political leader. The experts appoint and monitor the Supreme Leader. The President is elected by the people and works within the legislature. The Guardian Council determines who can run for elected offices like the president and parliament. /inside/govt.html Slide 19 Explained
5. What is the role of citizens in Iran? Citizens over the age of 18 can vote. Citizens elect the president, parliament, and experts. The Supreme Leader is an appointed position. Citizen’s in Iran
6. Use the information on slide 22 to explain the problems in Iran. Although citizens can vote, there is government manipulation of the electoral process making elections unfair. In addition, there are often politically motivated violence and repression among the citizens. Citizens in Iran do not have access to a fair public trial. Families in Iran have no privacy within their home or other aspects of their lives. The government of Iran has placed severe restrictions on freedom of speech, academics, freedom of assembly, religion, and their movement. Problems in Iran
Governments of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran Test Tuesday,