The Progressive Era Chapter 17
Progressive Movement Protect social welfare – living/working conditions (women and children) Promoting moral improvement Ex: Prohibition – banning alcohol Economic Reform – changing the way we do business Muckrakers – writers who wrote about the corruption of business Efficiency – using all of your resources properly
Henry Ford Ford Motor Company Model-T Assembly line – mass production Wanted cars to be something everyone could have Treated workers well - $5 a day, 8 hour work day
Progressive Women Higher education – all women’s colleges Suffrage – right to vote Susan B. Anthony In 1919 the 19th Amendment was passed allowing women to vote
Rise of Roosevelt Teddy Roosevelt becomes president after William McKinley is assassinated Tough Guy – “Rough Rider” With a soft side “Teddy Bear” Modern President – always in the news “Square Deal” – wanted the average American to be treated fairly
More Regulation Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” exposes the reality of the meat packing industry Meat Inspection Act – clean and good quality Pure Food and Drug Act – accurate labels Conservation – preserving wilderness areas.
Create an Advertisement Choose an invention that has been covered in class and make an advertisment poster Picture of item Slogan Description of how it will change your life