Prehistoric Vocabulary
Prehistory Time before history was written down
Time before a native civilization was in contact with European explorers or other foreign cultures. Precontact
Archaeologist Scientist who studies artifacts to learn about the lives of early people
Artifact Items that are man- made such as pottery, jewelry, weapons, and tools
Ecofact Evidence that hasn’t been changed or touched by humans, such as seeds, animal bones, fossils
Anthropologist Scientist who studies artifacts, ecofacts, and oral histories to learn about a culture or group
Culture Behaviors and beliefs characteristic to a particular social, ethnic, or age group
Tribe A group of people who share a common ancestry, name, and way of living
Atlatl (ott – lattle) Sling like tool that threw darts accurately for far distances
Midden Heap Mound or deposit containing shells, animal bones, and other refuse (garbage) that indicates the site of a human settlement
Burial Mound Mound built over a grave or multiple grave sites
Ceremonial Mound Raised mound where ceremonial / religious services are held
B.C.E. / B.C. Before the Common Era / Before Christ. These dates run backward from 0 on a timeline. 2000 …..........0…………..2017
C.E. / A.D. The Common Era / Anno Domini (year of our lord). These dates run forward from 0 on a timeline. 2000…………….0……………2017
Effigy Mound Mounds of earth and stone in the shapes of birds, bear, deer, bison, lynx, turtle, panther, or water