Welcome governors to our School Council presentation on the topic of our front playground.
The School Council are here to tell you about our ideas on a new improved playground for the front of school.
Looking back in time we can see the front of our school has changed a lot! Photo of Wesham Church of England School, 1954.
However we have noticed that the playground at the front of school could do with a make over. Here are some of the issues we feel need improving…
The number square is tired and worn looking and it is half covered over by the ramp .
The brick work and markings are dull and boring and we feel it could do with brightening up to reflect our school colours.
The tractor is looking a bit tired and dirty and could do with a make over and new steering wheel.
The number snake is worn and half covered by different building work which has taken place.
The hop scotch and number ladder is worn and faded.
Year 1 and Miss Fryer have tried their best to create a garden area outside their classroom, but would love it to be more colourful .
We would like to show our Motto ‘More than I am’ to our community, but at the moment it is just not eye catching enough. .
We would like to update and improve the Mosaic on the wall. This is something the School Council would like to be involved designing.
We asked lots of children to give us their ideas last week…
Year 5 have written you some persuasive letters to explain why they think improving the front playground would be a really good idea..
The RE:Play company, who helped us to improve our main yard at the back of school, helped Mrs Astbury with some new ideas last week Remember they specialise in Deco Pox paint, which can be put onto the tarmac in bright colours and is not slippy like rubber surfaces can be. Games and markings are made from ‘Thermo Plastic’, which is hard wearing.
We would like to share with you the plans that have been created with the company called ‘RE:PLAY’ and Mrs Astbury.
The whole area will be painted in the Deco Pox paint to bring together all the different surfaces which have emerged over the years.
Year 1 will have part of their area painted green to show off their flower boxes and wildlife area.
The tractor will be given a green patch to sit on, to help children with their imagination play of working as a farmer in a field.
The number square will be replaced and updated with a bright new one.
The worn out number snake will be replaced with a new bright and colourful one. This will be down the side of the building and can help us learn our alphabet.
Also down the side of the building we will have phonic shapes, so that we can play phonic games.
Our school motto will take pride of place in the middle of the playground.
The School Council hope that by listening to our ideas today, you will agree that spending money on improving this space would be a really good idea and would give our children a space to have fun and learn in at the same time. Thank you for listening to us today.