Review Test Grammar Notes Key By, Miss Rogers ASL 1
Directions Everyone needs something to write with. This test will receive a grade based on effort not your actual results. Everyone is expected to complete this.
1. What direction does our palm face for most of the alphabet? OUT
2. What do our eyebrows tell us when we are signing? If it is a question or a statement. Yes/No- Up Eyebrows WHQ- Down Eyebrows
4. Which hand are you supposed to use when you are fingerspelling? Dominant hand
5. What is a referent? When you use your non-dominant hand to show where something is.
6. How do you sign a non-symmetrical shape? Your non-dominant hand holds the starting point and your dominant hand draws the shape.
7. How do you sign a symmetrical shape? Both hands draw the shape.
8. What are the five steps to describing a room? Draw the shape of the room Show the door and sign ENTER. Describe the walls and floor and place the windows. Describe the rest of the room from right to left. Sign: MY ROOM THAT FINISH.
9. Define signer’s perspective. Seeing what is being signed from the person who is speaking’s point of view.
10. How do we sign Age numbers? 1-9 years are incorporated into the sign. 10 & up you must sign AGE and then the number.
11. How do we sign money numbers? $1-5: Twist Number $6 and up- Sign # then DOLLARS. Cents: Sign Cents then the number or vice versa. Cents may be signed or fingerspelled.
12. What does it mean when you see “FOR FOR” in a sentence. What For Why
13. When do we use age ranking? When talking about two or more people.
14. What is a cardinal number? Counting Numbers 1,2,3
15. What is an ordinal number? Ranking Numbers 1st, 2nd,3rd
16. What is the transition word that we use in place of after or next 16. What is the transition word that we use in place of after or next? Hint: We also use it at the end of our stories. FINISH
17. What percentage of lip reading is usually understood? 30%
18. What are the facial expressions that we learned to show size 18. What are the facial expressions that we learned to show size? Give an example for each. Cha- Fat or Large MM- Flat or Medium Size OO- Thin
19. Draw the Yes/No and WH question faces.
20. How do we sign clock numbers 1-9 o’clock: s? Sign TIME then # + wave
21. How do we sign clock numbers 10-12 o’clock? Sign TIME & the number.
22. What direction does a sign that is in the past move? Backwards
23. What direction does a sign in the future move? Forwards
24. What is a directional verb? Give two examples. A verb whose movement tells you the subject of the sentence as well. Ex: Tell Show Copy Take Turns
25. How do we fingerspell double letter words? Example: BUBBLE Slide the double letter outwards.
26. What is role shifting? When you set up two or more nouns and refer back and forth to compare or contrast them.
27. What does TOUCH FINISH mean? Put it in a sentence. It means that you have been there, done that. Ex: I ROCHESTER TOUCH FINISH.