How to Make Cereal By: Sammy Behrndt
Step one First you need to get a bowl out the size of the bowl does not matter how much cereal you want will depend of the bowl size.
Step two Pick whatever type of cereal you like from the store or from your pantry there are different types of cereal some are more sugary then others and some are good for you.
Step three Pour the cereal of your choosing into the bowl you also choose. Make sure you don’t pour too much because you also have to pour the milk too.
Step four Select the type of milk you want out of your fridge or at the store there are lots of types of milk so pick one you like the best.
Step Five Pour the milk into the bowl the amount of milk you need may verify some people like different amounts of milk in there cereal.
Step six Put the milk back in your fridge and put the cereal back into your pantry.
Step seven Get a spoon out of your drawer it can be plastic or medal.
Enjoy your cereal!!!!