50 Timesaving Tech “Hacks” for Educators Presented by: Dr. Danielle Bond Twitter @DrDBond Have nice relaxing music playing
How much time could you save if you had an assistant?
Tech Hack #1 www.doodle.com Scheduling Website Schedule multiple people for a common time Web-based Teachers
Tech Hack #1 www.doodle.com Scheduling Website Schedule multiple people for different days & times Example: Parent – teacher conferences Web-based
Tech Hack #2 Use Voice Activated Technology such as Okay Google or Hey Siri It can send text messages while you are busy
Tech Hack #3 Use Okay Google & Hey Siri It can read text messages back to you before you send!
Tech Hack #4 Use Okay Google & Hey Siri It can read incoming text
Tech Hack #5 Use Okay Google & Hey Siri Create reminders when you are busy
Tech Hack #6 Use Okay Google & Hey Siri Set timer & alarm for you while you teach
Tech Hack #7 Use Okay Google & Hey Siri It does math
Tech Hack #8 Use Okay Google & Hey Siri Can help you with directions
Tech Hack #9 QR Readers such as Red Laser
Tech Hack #10 Tiny Scanner
Tech Hack #11 Google Earth
Tech Hack #12 iMovie- Make a Trailer
Tech Hack #13 Upload videos from phone to One Drive, Google, or AirDrop for easy sharing
Tech Hack #14 Amazon Gift Card
Tech Hack #15 Guided Access Keeps iPad locked on one app
Proof x TECH as Poof Reader
Tech Hack #16 Text to Speech Software Natural Reader Free Web-based
Tech Hack #17 Use Assistive Technology Text-to-speech options Speak selection on iOS
Tech Hack #18 Use Assistive Technology
Tech Hack #19 Use Dictation To spell words For alternative method for expressive language
Use Tech to Assist with Planning
Digital Lesson Planbook Tech Hack #20 www.chalk.com Digital Lesson Planbook Web-based
Tech Hack #21 Color coded schedule Web-based
Tech Hack #22 Add Standards to Lesson Plans Web-based
Tech Hack #23 Add Attachments to Lesson Plans Web-based
Tech Hack #24 Copy & Move Lessons Web-based
Tech Hack #25 Share Lessons Web-based
Tech Hack #26 Tracks Standards Covered Web-based
Tech Hack #26 Does your mapping Web-based
Tech Hack #27 Access to Your Lesson Plans Everywhere Web-based
Tech Hack #28 Use an “Air Mouse” to present your lessons
Use Tech to Assist with Sound
Tech Hack #29 Use a Portable PA System - Wireless
Tech Hack #30 Portable PA System – Plays Music Rechargeable Battery
Tech Hack #31 Bluetooth Music Any school event Festivals Baseball games *Family camping trips
Tech Hack #32 1/8 to 1/8
Tech Hack #33 Create Playlist with Concentration Music Brewer, Chris Boyd. "Johns Hopkins University School of Education Music and Learning: Integrating Music in the Classroom." Johns Hopkins University School of Education Music and Learning: Integrating Music in the Classroom. N.p., 1995. Web. 28 Nov. 2016. <http://education.jhu.edu/PD/newhorizons/strategies/topics/Arts%20in%20Education/brewer.htm>.
Tech Hack #34 Voice Memo
Tech Hack #35 Projector screen saver with relaxing music
Use Tech to Assist with Photos
Tech Hack #36 Save Photo Message on Lock Screen
Tech Hack #37 Burst Photo
Tech Hack #38 Edit Photos
Tech Hack #39 Google Photos Free Photo Storage Web-based
Tech Hack #40 Take photos of great ideas
Tech Hack #41 Video- Step by step process
Use Tech to Save Time After School
Tech Hack #42 Order take out Save restaurant’s phone #
Tech Hack #43 Order take out Pay before
Tech Hack #44 Find Friends
Tech Hack #45 Audible
Tech Hack #46 Phone charge faster when turned off
Tech Hack #47 Turn off notifications to save battery
Tech Hack #48 Keep a drawstring bag in bag with earbuds, a charger, and portable charger. Great Present Idea
Using Tech to Get to Places Faster
Tech Hack #49 Consider Ridesharing Such as Uber or Lyft Can save money if paying for parking Makes life easier
Tech Hack #50 WAZE Free community-based traffic and navigation app
Extra Random Tech Hacks!
Tech Hack #51 Beginning of the day – Open up a tech Ticket
Session Survey fetc.org/survey Please complete the session survey. Our Session ID is EDC917. dr.daniellebond@gmail.com Twitter @DrDBond