Pg. 38 RTW List as many types of waves you can think of. Monday, October 24th List as many types of waves you can think of. What do waves transfer? In this picture, what is happening to the gravitational potential energy of the drop? Notes: These questions should be used as a warm-up. Give students a few minutes to consider (or write down the answers) these questions, then a minute to discuss with a partner, and finally discuss with the class (maybe have students present what their partner thought). Correct answers are on the next slide. The image of the water drop will help reinforce previously taught lessons on gravitational potential energy. Credits: San Diego Unified School District Physics 1,2 Core Laboratory Activity - Lab 17: Waves
What are Waves? Sound waves, visible light waves, radio waves, microwaves, water waves, sine waves, cosine waves, stadium waves, earthquake waves, waves on a string, slinky waves - ALL types of Waves! Waves transfer ENERGY!! Gravitational potential energy of a water drop turns into kinetic energy, which transfers energy in the form of a WAVE! Notes: This slide answers the questions to the warm-up. Students may come up with other examples of waves. The next slide describes some basic terms associated with waves.
Monday, October 24th Objective: I will learn about the different parts of a wave and how energy is transferred through different mediums. Agenda: Wave Notes pg. 39 Homework: None
Waves and Energy AUTHORS: Brianne Moskovitz – Scripps Institution of Oceanography WHY: We encounter waves every second, because waves carry energy. Whether its light waves to see, sound waves to hear, or ocean waves to surf, an understanding about waves leads to a greater understanding about energy. SUMMARY: This presentation will discuss the types of waves we encounter, and describe the anatomy of a wave, distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves, and provide a few key equations to solve wave equations. PICTURE/GRAPHICS CREDITS: n/a WEBSITES USED IN THIS PRESENTATION: n/a ADDITIONAL READING: any basic physics book covers waves and energy. CONTEXT FOR USE: High School physics or marine science. This presentation should be given before Waves_2 (Ocean Waves) and Waves_3 (Ocean Acoustics). MISCONCEPTIONS: Waves carry objects from one place to another. EVALUATION TIPS: n/a TEACHING NOTES: This introduction to waves will prepare the students for learning about Ocean Waves and Acoustic Waves.
Anatomy of a Wave A wave is the transmission of energy through matter. Key word is “through.” When energy moves through matter as a wave, matter moves, but … - overall doesn’t shift forward or backward. - It transmits the energy to adjacent matter, allowing the energy to continue.
Anatomy of a Wave Does the water in a wave move? Nope! The energy is transferred. The water molecules only move in small circles.
Anatomy of a Wave
Anatomy of a Wave Crest= highest point above average water level Trough= lowest point below average water level Height= vertical measurement from trough to crest Wavelength= horizontal distance between the peaks of two waves.
Anatomy of a Wave CREST AMPLITUDE WAVELENGTH TROUGH Notes: This slide describes the anatomy of the wave as key terms. Students should copy down this image and label it in their notes. CREST: The peak of a wave TROUGH: The lowest point of a wave AMPLITUDE: The height of the wave from the equilibrium to the crest (or trough). WAVELENGTH: The length of one full wave cycle. The distance from peak-to-peak, or trough-to-trough. WAVELENGTH TROUGH
Wave Characteristics Deepwater Waves Shallow-water Occur in water that is deeper than half their wavelength the bottom does not affect their orbital motion Shallow-water Occur in water that is shallower than half their wave-length The bottom creates drag that affects their orbital motion.
Wave Characteristics Three factors that affect maximum wave size: Wind Speed= faster than the wave Wind Duration= time wind blows Fetch= surface area over which the wind blows
Two Types of Waves Transverse The motion of the medium is at right angles to the direction in which a wave travels Stretched strings of musical instruments, electromagnetic waves, S-waves in earthquakes Longitudinal The particles of the medium move back and forth in the same direction in which the wave travels Sound waves, P-waves in earthquakes Notes: This slide distinguishes between the two types of waves, and gives examples of each. Students should copy down this information in their notes. DEMONSTRATION: Presenter should have a student help demonstrate the motion of these waves using a slinky. One person should move their hand holding the slinky up and down to demonstrate a transverse wave. One person should grab a section of the slinky, and pull it toward himself and release it to demonstrate a longitudinal wave. Additional information: Longitudinal waves need a medium to travel through. In a vacuum, we are not able to hear anything (sound waves are longitudinal), but we are still able to see things (light waves are transverse). Image Credits: San Diego Unified School District Physics 1,2 Core Laboratory Activity - Lab 17: Waves
Key Terms Frequency – Number of cycles per unit of time (s), measured in Hz Frequency = 1/Period Period = 1/Frequency Hz – One vibration per second Wave Speed = wavelength * frequency ν=λf Wave speed depends on the medium through which the wave moves. Notes: This slide provides some key terms to help with solving wave problems. Frequency is a measure of the number of cycles per unit of time. Our radios understand the frequency of radio waves to tune into different stations. DEMONSTRATION: Use two different tuning forks. Hopefully they will have the frequency in Hz on the fork. Strike each fork, and listen to the sound it makes. Show students the tines of the fork as it is vibrating. If the fork says 440, the unit is in Hz, and that means the tines are vibrating 440 times a second. With a second fork, show that the sound is different depending on the frequency. A lower number will give a lower pitch. Higher number, a higher pitch. Ask if anyone in the class plays a musical instrument. If anyone plays an instrument in a symphony, they typically tune their instruments to 440 Hz (an A). Guitarists tighten and loosen strings to find the right key. This changes the frequency of the string. Symbols used: The final equation is spelled out in the line above it. The greek letter nu symbolizes wave speed, lambda symbolizes wavelength, and the italicized f is for frequency.
DiRT - Calculating Rate Distance = Rate * Time (D=RT) Rate = Distance / Time (R=D/T) Use the equation for rate when calculating wave speed. Notes: To calculate rate, students should remember DIRT – Distance equals rate times time. This equation will be used in the Slinky Activity. Students will measure the distance a wave travels and the time it takes for the wave to travel this distance. This calculates the wave speed or rate.
Pg. 38 RTW: Tuesday October, 25th What are the three things that affect the maximum wave size? What is the wave speed equation?
Tuesday, October 25th Objective: I will learn about the different parts of a wave and how energy is transferred through different mediums. Agenda: Wave Activity Homework: None
Wednesday, October 26th Objective: I will begin learning about tidal patterns and causes of tides. Agenda: Tide Notes Continued pg. 41 Homework: None
Tides Daily rise and fall of the ocean along the shore. Tidal range = the vertical distance between low and high tides. Tidal flat = the area between two tide levels
Causes of Tides Gravity from the Moon and inertia!! Tidal bulge – the ocean bulges out on the side facing the moon due to gravity and on the opposite side of the earth due to inertia = high tide. Shallow areas between the bulges are where low tides are.
Transitions Between Tides Flood Tide – a rising tide; tide b/w low and high tide. Ebb Tide – a falling tide; tide b/w high and low tide.
Spring Tides The Sun’s gravity does not have as much of an impact on tides as the moon b/c it is so far away BUT….. When the Earth, Sun and moon are all aligned, the combined pulling forces produce the highest high tides and the lowest low tides called: Spring Tides (nothing to do with the season!). – occur during new moon and full moon which are 2 weeks apart.
Neap Tides B/w the new and full moon when the moon is in the first-quarter and third-quarter phases. Tides are not as high or as low = weakest tides
The Cause of Tides influence the tides include: 1. lunar and solar gravity 2. the imperfect sphere of the Earth 3. the season 4. the shape of the ocean basin 5. the Coriolis effect - the tendency for the path of an object moving in the Northern Hemisphere to deflect to the right, or to the left in the S. Hemisphere
A Tidal Day 24 hours and 50 minutes. Why is it not just 24 hours? Because as the earth rotates on its axis the moon is also revolving around us in the same direction. Therefore, when the earth finishes its full rotations, it takes 50 more minutes to catch back up with the moon. This explains why tides occur one hour later each day.
Diurnal Tides A tidal pattern that has one high tide and one low tide in one tidal day.
Semidiurnal Tides A tidal pattern that has 2 highs and 2 lows of about the same strength in one tidal day.
Mixed Tides A tidal pattern with 2 highs and 2 lows in one tidal day, and one set is much stronger than the other.
Pg. 39 RTW Thursday October 27th : Which tide is stronger, a neap or spring tide? Objective: I will understand how tides are different depending on what part of the world they are in. Agenda: Finish tide notes (pg. 41/43) STAR (pg. 39) Homework: None
Unusual Tides Extreme tidal ranges can occur in bays or harbors that are open to the ocean. These are called tidal bores, which are solitary waves that move upstream when high tide comes in. They can be a few inches or up to 25 feet tall. ONLY happen during incoming (FLOOD TIDES)!
This is a tide!
Storm Surge A strong wind, a storm, or a hurricane moving with or against the direction of the tide can cause an increase or decrease in the normal tide levels. Extremely important for builders to take this into account before building near the shore. B/c of this, storms hitting the shore during high tide will cause more damage than at low tide.
Pg. 39 S.T.A.R. What is the incoming tide called? What is the outgoing tide called? What is the distance between the high and the low tide called? What type of tide do you have during a full moon? How many times a month are there neap tides? How might organisms be affected by the tides
NO RTW Friday October 28th Objective: I will understand the impact of waves and how they relate to seismic activity. Agenda: Tsunami Video Questions Homework: None