Welcome to the Hawthorne Elementary Library 2014-2015! source:seattlepi.com “Hawthorne Elementary”
Three essential functions of Teacher-Librarians
First Year Strategies for Hawthorne
Why 60% Information and Technology Literacy? The Mission of the Teacher-Librarian To ensure that students are effective users and producers of information and ideas! How do teacher-librarians do this? source:carlygoogles.blogspot.com “wonderwoman”
Information and Technology Literacy Instruction This year my strategies include… how to research with databases. how to type on a keyboard. My five year plan includes more research skills… how to base decisions on facts and shared ideas. how to take notes. and The big 6.
Sources:thebig6.com “The Big 6” is a research process that focuses on information problem-solving. 1)Task Definition 2)Information Seeking Strategies 3)Location and Access 4)Use of Information 5)Synthesis 6)Evaluation
Teaching Students to be Digital Citizens This year my strategies include teaching… students to be discriminatory with information. skills to filter. how to cite sources. My five year plan includes teaching about… plagiarism. cyber-bullying. appropriate behavior for social media.
Bringing Consistency to School-Wide Project-Based Events This year my strategies are focused on developing research skills across grades to support Environmental Night. Multi-Cultural night. El Día de los Muertos. My five year plan includes becoming… An embedded librarian.
We love to read! This year I focused on… Book talks Book Trailers Displays Battle of the Books My Five year plan includes more ways of creating a culture of literacy. Read across America Visits by Authors Global Reading Challenge
Information Management and Services This year I will focus on… Circulation. Collection development, text and digital. Creating a Library Advisory Committee. A welcoming place to gather for Open House, Parent Teacher Conferences, and Middle School Information Night. My five year plan includes developing… A library website with resources available 24/7 Social Media
Our Beautiful Library My five year plan includes… This year I will focus on… creating a warm and welcoming space. our collection of current fiction and non-fiction books. My five year plan includes… developing a collection of popular books in many languages. creating a quiet study area. having cozy chairs and rugs. creating a computer-free outdoor reading area!