Temples in 石門 and 金山 From Data to Maps
Get & Explore Taiwan Emap Layer > Add Raster > TaiwanEMap.mbtiles Downloaded from http://maps.nlsc.gov.tw/ 下載專區
Buddhist Temples in Taiwan Data Take a look at the XML data Look at the CSV data that was produced from the XML, what is missing Add the Buddhist temples CSV to the TaiwanEMap Add Labels
Filter by time Change Property > Style > Single Symbol to “Rule Based” Add rules, e.g.: “Foundation” <= 1950 OR “First_Mentioned” <= 1950 gives one icon
Temples in Taiwan (Buddhist, Daoist etc., but not churches) See: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/property/20140602/35866726 for how much a temple costs
Temples in 新北市 (Buddhist, Daoist etc., but not churches)
Temples in 石門 (Buddhist, Daoist etc., but not churches) according to 臺灣寺廟網 http://twgod.com/
Temples in 金山 (Buddhist, Daoist etc., but not churches) according to 臺灣寺廟網http://twgod.com/
Gather data In the field: Temples and shrine coordinates from yesterday’s excursion → make a CSV file From the web: Ascertain coordinates of temples from 臺灣寺廟網 → make a CSV file Display on the map, compare, play with color, label, and icon
Things to do with a vector layer: E.g. Turn points into a line Make sure the points in a CSV file are ordered in sequence you want Use the Points2One plugin to create a vector layer from the points Change color, labels? Avoid overlap of lines in Style > Simple Line > Offset
Things to do with a raster layer: E.g. Cut out an area Use the clipper tool on Natural Earth: Raster > Extraction > Clipper Make sure the layer & project projection is WGS 84 (OTF) Specify file name (+ “.tif”) & extend Clip
Things to do with a raster layer: E.g. Transform a DEM GMTED2010 is a multi-resolution global terrain dataset with spatial resolutions of either 30, 15 or 7.5 arc-seconds (i.e. approximately 1 kilometer, 500 meters and 250 meters, respectively). DEM: Digital Elevation Model Use “00taiwanGMTED2010.tif” based on 7.5 arc- seconds Turn the b/w soup into something nice: Style >Band rendering > Singleband Pseudocolor > color > new color ramp > cpt-city > elevation (or whatever) Add band color levels use 0 for a nice sea level blue and take it from there. Or try Style >Band rendering > Hillshade Save styles, especially the ones you have invested time in