CACFP Child Enrollment Forms (CEFs) For Child Care Centers Welcome to the CACFP Child Enrollment Forms overview for Child Care Centers. This training is presented by the Child Care Resource Center, your child care resource and referral agency and CACFP program sponsor. This training is intended to help you understand how to add a new child to CACFP, what forms are required, and when you must submit the paperwork. It is to help you understand the enrollment process and guide staff responsible for distributing, collecting, and submitting the forms to CCRC through the correct procedures. Records indicating who received this training, the topics covered, and the date it was completed is maintained on the Ohio Professional Registry by the CCRC. Before you proceed in the training, be sure you have the CACFP Handbook for Centers provided to your program by the Child Care Resource Center in front of you. Please refer to page 25 and 26 of your handbook for information about the Child Enrollment Forms, or CEFs. If you do not have a CACFP Handbook for Centers, contact your CACFP representative at the Child Care Resource Center. Presented by the Child Care Resource Center
CACFP Child Enrollment Forms Why do CACFP child care and sponsors collect CACFP Child Enrollment Forms? It is a USDA regulatory. Child Enrollment Forms can be found on the CCRC website or printed from Minute Menu. If you use enrollment forms from Minute Menu, they will print with the child’s information and schedule on them. On this slide, you see an example of the Ohio CACFP Child Enrollment Form. If you need Child Enrollment Forms, you may download them from our website at
CACFP Child Enrollment Forms Here is our example of the Child Enrollment Form found in Minute Menu. These are accessed and can be printed from your Minute Menu software.
CACFP Child Enrollment Forms Must have a CACFP Child Enrollment Form on file for all children enrolled in care A completed CACFP Child Enrollment Form is required for every child in care. This is NOT the same form as the Ohio Department Job & Family Services (ODJFS) enrollment form, although some of the information collected on both forms is the same. Centers participating in the CACFP must have both forms completed.
Definition of Enrolled Child An enrolled child in a center is a child whose parent or guardian has completed and signed a Child Enrollment Form indicating that their child is enrolled for child care. This includes infants and drop-ins. The definition of an “enrolled child” in a center is a child whose parent or guardian has completed and signed a Child Enrollment Form indicating that their child is enrolled for child care. This includes infants and drop-ins.
CACFP Child Enrollment Forms CEF Key Points Must use Ohio CACFP Child Enrollment Form All current enrolled participants must have current CEF on file Meals/snacks cannot be claimed for participants w/o current CEF Key points to remember for enrolling a child into the CACFP are: To use the Ohio CACFP Enrollment Form All currently enrolled participants must have a current CACFP Enrollment form on file. Meals/snacks cannot be claimed for reimbursement for children without current CACFP CEF on file. If you allow “drop-in” participants, be sure to collect a CACFP Child Enrollment Form before claiming any meals for that child for reimbursement.
When are CACFP Child Enrollment Forms Needed? Annually for all children currently in care For programs new to the CACFP, the first month a claim is submitted Whenever a new child is enrolled in your center The CCRC collects CACFP Child Enrollment Forms annually for all children in care. For new programs this starts prior to the first month a CACFP claim will be submitted. Also, they must be collected whenever a new child is enrolled for care. The CACFP Child Enrollment form is current for one year from the month the form was last signed by the parent or guardian. For example, a child with a form signed on October 5, 2012 is valid from October 1, 2012 through October 31, 2013. Meals could not be claimed for this child after October 31st unless you had an updated form on file. Distribute CACFP Child Enrollment forms with other required center enrollment forms for new children.
CACFP Child Enrollment Form All parents or guardians are to complete a separate form for each child enrolled at your center. The person in charge of your CACFP activities will complete the box for your center’s name. The parent or guardian must complete the rest of the form. This includes: Child’s first and last name; age, and birth date The days and normal hours in care, meals normally received. If the child’s schedule varies, enroll the child from the earliest time they would attend through the latest time they would attend. If the child comes before and after school, list the hours in care for both the morning and the afternoon. Finally, legal parent or guardian will sign and date the form and provide their daytime phone number and mailing address at the bottom of the form.
CACFP Child Enrollment Form Collect the forms once during the year for children currently enrolled in your center Use Minute Menu reports and tools to ensure you have completed forms for all enrolled children For new children, include the form in a packet with other documents Collect CACFP Child Enrollment Forms once during the year. The start of the school year or program year are good times to do this. Then you only have to be sure children enrolled after the start of the year need to fill out a new form. Use the reports and tools within Minute Menu to ensure all enrolled children have a current CACFP Child Enrollment form on file. There is a separate training session on how to use Minute Menu reports. Distribute the form with other required enrollment packet documents for new children.
CACFP Child Enrollment Forms Submission & Record Keeping Copies of forms must be kept on file for three years plus the current fiscal year at your center Original forms will be kept on file at CCRC for three years plus the current fiscal year CACFP Child Enrollment forms must be kept on file for three years plus the current fiscal year, just like all other CACFP required documents. For your program, copies of forms must be kept on file at your site for three years plus the current fiscal year. You will send the CCRC the original forms. We will keep them on file at the CCRC for three years plus the current fiscal year.
CACFP Child Enrollment Forms Submission & Record Keeping Center sends a copy to CCRC by: Fax – (440) 960-7191 Attention: CACFP Center Enrollment Email – Center mails original to CCRC with monthly claim information All original, paper copies of CACFP Enrollment Forms are to be kept on file at the CCRC office. Centers are responsible for submitting CACFP Enrollment Forms (along with IEAs) to the CCRC on a regular, timely basis. Upon receipt of a CACFP Enrollment Form that is completed correctly, the center is to send a copy of the form by either: Faxing it to 440-960-7191, Attn: CACFP CENTER ENROLLMENT OR Scanning and emailing the form to In addition, all original CACFP Enrollment Forms are to be mailed to the CCRC with the center’s monthly claim information.
CACFP Child Enrollment Forms Submission & Record Keeping Center enters newly enrolled children into Minute Menu Center notifies CCRC when child withdraws from center by emailing Centers are responsible for entering newly enrolled children into the MM database. Once the CCRC receives the paper copies of the IEA and CACFP Enrollment Form, the CCRC will activate pending children in MM. If a child withdraws from the center, the center must notify the CCRC by emailing
Additional Information Meals may not be claimed for children who do NOT have a complete, signed, and current enrollment form on file In addition to keeping the current enrollment form plus the past 3 years, an additional point to remember about the CACFP Child Enrollment Forms are: Meals may not be claimed for children who do not have a complete, signed, and current enrollment form on file. So, it is important to return your completed forms to the CCRC as soon as you receive them.
Review All children enrolled must have a current CACFP Enrollment Form on file Meals/snacks for children without a current CACFP Enrollment Form on file may not be claimed CACFP Enrollment Form must be updated by the parent/guardian annually In Review, All children enrolled in your must have a current CACFP Enrollment Form on file. Remember, an enrolled child in a center is defined is a child whose parent or guardian has completed and signed a Child Enrollment Form indicating that their child is enrolled for child care. This includes infants and drop-ins. Meals and snacks may not be claimed for children without a current and complete CACFP Child Enrollment Form on file.
Non-Discrimination Statement In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. In closing the USDA works to ensure no discriminatory practices are used, intentionally or unintentionally. The USDA and the State of Ohio are equal opportunity providers and employers.
Child Care Resource Center Contact Information 5350 Oberlin Ave Lorain OH 44053 (440) 960-7187 or (800) 526-5268 (440) 960-7191 (Fax) CACFP Team: Martha Deavers Ext 232 This concludes the presentation on CACFP Child Enrollment Forms and procedures. If you have any follow up questions or need further directions, please don’t hesitate to contact us .
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Thank you for watching this webcast discussing the CACFP Child Enrollment Forms. Be sure to complete our other webcasts about the CACFP at