Hangar Use Policy Winter Operations and Field Condition Reporting Airport Compliance Hangar Use Policy Winter Operations and Field Condition Reporting Arkansas Airport Operators Association Andrew Tamanaha, Program Manager, AR/OK ADO. September 26, 2016
Hangar Use Policy (Final Policy) Effective Date: July 1, 2017 Purpose: The primary goal of the Final Policy is to ensure that the Federal investments in federally obligated airports are protected by making aeronautical facilities, including hangars, available to aeronautical users.
Hangar Use Policy Standards for aeronautical use of hangars Aeronautical facilities must be used or be available for use for aeronautical activities unless otherwise approved by the FAA. Airport sponsor may permit non-aeronautical items to be stored in hangars provided the hangar is used primarily for aeronautical purposes and the items do not interfere with the aeronautical use of the hangar. Hangars may not be used as a residence, with a limited exception for sponsors providing an on-airport residence for a full-time airport manager, watchman, or airport operations staff for remotely located airports.
Hangar Use Policy No right to non-aeronautical use Sponsors may restrict or prohibit storage of non-aeronautical items Sponsors should consider factors such as emergency access, fire codes, security, insurance, and the impact of vehicular traffic on their surface areas when enacting rules regarding hangar storage. In some cases, permitting certain incidental non-aeronautical items in hangars could inhibit the sponsor's ability to meet obligations associated with grant assurance 19, Operations and Maintenance.
Hangar Use Policy Sponsors should have a program to monitor use of hangars and take measures to prevent unapproved non-aeronautical use of hangars Sponsors should ensure that length of time on a waiting list of those in need of a hangar for aircraft storage is minimized. Incorporating provisions in leases to adjust rental rates to FMV for any non-incidental non-aeronautical use of the leased facilities FAA personnel conducting inspections may request a copy of the sponsor's hangar use program and evidence that the sponsor has limited hangars to aviation use The FAA may disapprove an AIP grant for hangar construction if there are existing hangars at the airport being used for non-aeronautical purposes.
Hangar Use Policy Sponsor may obtain FAA approval in advance for interim use of a hangar for non-aeronautical purposes on a month-to-month leasing plan Requires FAA Approval PRIOR to non-aeronautical use Must charge FMV for non-aeronautical use Sponsor must have up-to-date Information on hangar usage including aeronautical/non-aeronautical/vacancies/waiting lists Procedures for accepting new requests for aeronautical use; and Assurance that facilities can be returned to aeronautical use within 30 days notice when there is renewed aeronautical demand for hangar space.
Hangar Use Policy Sponsor may request approval from FAA for interim use of a hangar for non-aeronautical purposes for a period of 3 to 5 years Requires FAA Approval PRIOR to non-aeronautical use Must charge FMV for non-aeronautical use Sponsor must have up-to-date Information on hangar usage including aeronautical/non-aeronautical/vacancies/waiting lists Procedures for accepting new requests for aeronautical use; and Assurance that facilities can be returned to aeronautical use within 30 days notice when there is renewed aeronautical demand for hangar space.
Hangar Use Policy Policy FAQ’s on FAA website: http://www.faa.gov/airports/airport_compliance/hangar_use/ FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact your ADO Program Manager Contact the Regional Airports Compliance Officer Gary Loftus gary.loftus@faa.gov (817-222-5671)
Airport Field Condition Assessments and Winter Operations Safety Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM) Highlights AOAA Andrew Tamanaha, Program Manager, AR/OK ADO. September 26, 2016
WHO Part 139 Airports Federally Obligated Airports
WHAT/WHEN/WHERE SNOW and ICE CONTROL PLAN Due: September 1, 2016 TO: FAA for Approval – send to your airport inspector FAA has sent out a CERTALERT with a template Do I need to have a SICP? What does your ACM currently state regarding the airport response to Snow and Ice?
What Else? Runway Condition Assessment Matrix Field Condition Reporting NOTAM criteria effective October 1, 2016 Runway Condition Assessment Matrix And yes………….over 25% contaminated or wet – REPORT it via NOTAM using RCAM WET RUNWAY
What Else? Runway Condition Assessment Matrix Field Condition Reporting NOTAM criteria effective October 1, 2016 Runway Condition Assessment Matrix And yes………….over 25% contaminated or wet – REPORT it via NOTAM using RCAM WET RUNWAY
R Runway C Condition A Assessment M Matrix
HELP !!!!!! AC 150/5200-30D Advisory Circular and CERT ALERT available at www.faa.gov/airports/ Click on advisory circulars or click on CERT ALERTS Search engine: runway condition assessment matrix
Compliance Handbook: FAAO 5190.6B faa.gov/airports/airport_compliance For more information Visit the websites FAA Airport Compliance Website - http://www.faa.gov/airports/airport_compliance Contact your ADO Representative Contact the Regional Airport Compliance Officer Gary Loftus gary.loftus@faa.gov (817-222-5671) Compliance Handbook: FAAO 5190.6B faa.gov/airports/airport_compliance