Cindy Cook Chairman, TG 5/1 November 2, 2016 ITU-R Task Group 5/1 Cindy Cook Chairman, TG 5/1 November 2, 2016 Building a prosperous and innovative Canada
Purpose TG 5/1 is tasked with conducting the sharing and compatibility studies for WRC-19 agenda item 1.13, in accordance with Resolution 238 (WRC‑15), and with developing the draft CPM text for this agenda item. AI 1.13 is “to consider identification of frequency bands for the future development of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), including possible additional allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 238 (WRC‑15)”
Scope CPM text for AI 1.13 Sharing and compatibility studies between IMT-2020 and other incumbent services in the following frequency bands: 24.25-27.5 GHz, 37-40.5 GHz, 42.5-43.5 GHz, 45.5-47 GHz, 47.2-50.2 GHz, 50.4‑52.6 GHz, 66-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz, which have allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis; and 31.8-33.4 GHz, 40.5-42.5 GHz and 47-47.2 GHz, which may require additional allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis
Inputs from other Working Parties Input from other WPs to be provided to TG 5/1 by 31 March 2017, at the latest: Working Party 5D is to conduct and complete studies as indicated in resolves to invite ITU-R 1 of Resolution 238 (WRC-15), with regards to spectrum needs for the terrestrial component of IMT-2020 in the frequency range between 24.25 GHz and 86 GHz, technical and operational characteristics including protection criteria, and deployment scenarios for the terrestrial component of IMT-2020; Other Working Parties to provide the technical characteristics including protection criteria for existing services allocated in, or adjacent to, the eleven frequency bands to be studied; Working Parties of Study Group 3 are to provide the relevant propagation models for sharing studies for the eleven frequency bands.
TG 5/1 Structure & Management Team Chairman: Ms. Cindy Cook Vice-Chairman: Mr. Michael Kraemer Group Chairman Contact WG 1 – CPM Michael Kraemer (D) WG 2 – 30 GHz Geraldo Neto (B) WG 3 – 40/50 GHz Yutao Zhu (CHN) Jennifer Manner (USA) – Vice-Chairman Steven Doiron (UAE) – Vice-Chairman WG 4 – 70/80 GHz Rauno Ruismäki (FIN)
Additional Management Team Members To strengthen & facilitate communications between TG 5/1 and the regional groups, and to ensure regional representation, the agenda item 1.13 coordinators will form part of the TG 5/1 management team. Regional Group AI 1.13 Coordinator Contact APT Hiroyuki Atarashi (J) com ASMG Mohamed El Moghazi (EGY) ATU Usman Aliyu (NIG) CEPT Robert Cooper (UK) CITEL Camilo Zamora (CLM) RCC Vadim Poskakukhin (RUS)
TG 5/1 Working Groups’ Scope of Work WG 1 – CPM Development of draft CPM text under WRC-19 agenda item 1.13, based on: – Input contributions – Information on IMT spectrum needs – Sharing and compatibility study results from other Working Groups under TG 5/1 WG 2 – 30 GHz To conduct the sharing and compatibility studies between IMT and existing primary services allocated in, or adjacent to as appropriate, the following bands: – 24.25-27.5 GHz – 31.8-33.4 GHz WG 3 – 40/50 GHz – 37-40.5 GHz – 40.5-42.5 GHz – 42.5-43.5 GHz – 45.5-47 GHz – 47-47.2 GHz – 47.2-50.2 GHz – 50.4-52.6 GHz WG 4 – 70/80 GHz – 66-76 GHz – 81-86 GHz
TG 5/1 Forward Meeting Schedule The following tentative meeting schedule is based on meeting room availability and avoiding overlap with meetings of contributing groups. It is subject to change slightly if potential hosts are identified outside of Geneva. Meeting # Dates Venue Remarks 2 15-23 May 2017 Geneva, CICG Firm 3 20-29 Sep. 2017 Geneva, ITU CICG unavailable 4 17-26 Jan. 2018 5 1-10 May 2018 6* 3-12 Sep. 2018 * If host is found, meeting could occur in August in order to meet CPM text deadline
TG 5/1 Work Plan Agree structure of TG 5/1 1st Meeting (May 2016) Development of a work plan for AI 1.13 Consider contributions received 2nd Meeting (May 2017) Begin drafting of CPM Text (Focusing on executive summary & background sections) Consideration of a potential format structure for sharing and compatibility studies Begin sharing and compatibility studies 3rd Meeting (Sept. 2017) Drafting of CPM Text Continuation of sharing and compatibility studies 4th Meeting (Jan. 2018) Attempt to finalize the sharing and compatibility studies 5th Meeting (May 2018) Finalize the sharing and compatibility studies 6th Meeting (Aug or Sept. 2018) Completion of draft CPM Text
WRC-19 Frequency Band Overlap Many of the frequency bands being studied by TG 5/1 are also being studied under other agenda items as below. Coordination between responsible groups of these agenda items will be needed. 1.6 NGSO FSS Frequencies in GHz 1.13 IMT 1.14 HAPS 9.1 (issue 9.1.9) 24.25-27.5 24.25-27.5 (Region 2) 37.5-39.5 (s-E*) 37-40.5 38‑39.5 (globally) 39.5-42.5 (s-E*) 40.5-42.5 47.2-50.2 (E-s*) 47.2-50.2 50.4-51.4 (E-s*) 50.4-52.6 51.4-52.4 (E-s*) * E-s: Earth-to-space; s-E: space-to-Earth.
WRC-19 agenda items frequency band overlap IMT (3.25) (1.6) (3.5) (2) (1) TG 5/1 24.25 27.5 31.8 33.4 37 40.5 42.5 43.5 AI 1.6 NGSO (FSS) FSS (s-E) WP 4A (5) 37.5 42.5 AI 1.14 HAPs R2 only WP 5C (3.25) (1.5) 24.25 27.5 38 39.5 ______________________________________________________________________ 45.5 47 (1.5) 47.2 (0.2) 50.2 (3) 50.4 52.6 (2.2) AI 1.13 IMT AI 1.6 NGSO (FSS) (1) 51.4 FSS (E-s) 52.4 Issue 9.1.9 TG 5/1 WP 4A 1.6 to consider the development of a regulatory framework for non-GSO FSS satellite systems that may operate in the frequency bands 37.5-39.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 39.5‑42.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 47.2-50.2 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 50.4-51.4 GHz (Earth-to-space), in accordance with Resolution 159 [COM6/18] (WRC‑15); 1.14 to consider, on the basis of ITU‑R studies in accordance with Resolution 160 [COM6/21] (WRC‑15), appropriate regulatory actions for high-altitude platform stations (HAPS), within existing fixed-service allocations; Issue 9.1.9: Resolution 162 [COM6/24] (WRC‑15) Studies relating to spectrum needs and possible allocation of the frequency band 51.4-52.4 GHz to the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space)
Challenges Meeting room availability –hosts for meetings # 3 and 6? Tremendous number of potential studies to do - prioritization by membership? Short timeframe to complete studies – 1 year No consensus on some sharing parameters in contributing groups but need parameters to start studies – TG 5/1 to decide on values? Short timeframe between availability of propagation models and first TG 5/1 meeting = short timeline for development of technical contributions Overlap of frequency bands with other agenda items will require coordination Potential impact of national /regional identification of frequency bands for 5G before studies complete and before WRC-19
Opportunities Develop new sharing mechanisms to enable coexistence of multiple services/applications Be innovative in achieving efficient use of spectrum Demonstrate collaboration amongst different interests to accomplish TG 5/1 work