Female Reproductive system: Structures & functions ..
Uterus The uterus adjusts to reflect the changes that happen during women’s period cycle, and change significantly in shape in size during pregnancy and delivery. The Uterus, also known as the Womb, is like a temporary home for developing fetus. This is where the fetus is stored and supplied its nutrients throughout pregnancy.
OVARIES The Ovaries of the Reproductive system produce eggs and sex hormones. Ovaries also secrete two important hormones for the female system: Estrogen and Progesterone.
Oviduct - Fallopian Tubes The Fallopian tubes, also called the Oviduct is the connecting tube from the Ovaries to the Uterus and is also what conducts the egg towards the uterus.
Fimbriae Fimbriae are finger-like projections of the oviduct which cause a current and sweeps the eggs into the oviduct – like a gust of wind. Cilia, also creates a current which has the same sweep effect.
Cervix The Cervix is the narrow end of the uterus leading to the Vagina. Cervix dilates significantly during child birth, to allow the baby to exit the vagina. The cervix is a cylinder-shaped neck of tissue that connects the vagina and uterus. Located at the lowermost portion of the uterus, the cervix is composed primarily of fibromuscular tissue.
Vagina & Clitoris The vagina connects the uterus to the end of the track. The vulva and Labia create an entrance, the vagina receives penis during sexual intercourse and also serves as a birth control. The clitoris is a sensory organ; homologous to the male penis. This sensory organ provides sensitivity during sex.
THE OVARIAN CYCLE Day 1 – 13: Follicular Phase During the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle the Hypothalamus produces a hormone called GnRH (Gonadotrophic releasing hormone) to stimulate the Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (Luteinizing hormone) are released from the pituitary gland which stimulates the ovary for follicle growth. Primary follicle (Contains 46 chromosomes) is a primary oocyte, which produces female sex hormones. One oocyte gets most of the cytoplasm and 23 chromosomes called a secondary oocyte, that is now a secondary follicle. Other oocyte called the “Polar body” disintegrates. The secondary follicle grows into a Grafian (Vesicular) Follicle.
The Ovarian Cycle Day 14: Ovulation Grafian Follicle bursts (Ovulation) and the Luteinizing hormone is at its peak, triggers ovulation to occur. Day 17 – 28: Luteal Phase Once the Follicle has lost its oocyte it then forms into corpus luteum. Corpus luteum secretes 2 important hormones; Estrogen and Progesterone. *If Pregnancy doesn’t occur, corpus luteum breaks down after about 10 days. If Pregnancy does occur, corpus luteum remains for 3-6 months and will continue to produce hormones.
The Uterine Cycle Day 1 – 5: Menstruation During the first five days, there are low levels of sex hormones that the Corpus luteum has now disintegrated. The Endometrium breaks down as well as its cells, blood vessels, and blood are meanwhile shredding from the uterus and exit the vagina. A flow of blood; Mesis passes out of the Vagina during a period, occurring once a month called menstruation!
The Uterine Cycle Day 6-10: Proliferative Phase Increase of estrogen by the ovarian follicle causes the endometrium to rebuild during this part of the cycle. Day 14: Ovulation occurs Day 15-28: Secretory phase There is an increase level of progesterone by the corpus luteum during this phase of the cycle. The Endometrium doubles in thickness and becomes highly vascularized. Glands during this time produce mucous and are now prepared to receive embryo.
Hormones of the Female Reproductive System
1) Gonadotropic releasing hormone: 2) Follicle Stimulating hormone: GnRH is released by the Hypothalamus and causes the anterior pituitary gland to secrete hormones FSH and LH 2) Follicle Stimulating hormone: FSH secreted by GnRH in the pituitary gland, causes follicles to mature so mature follicles can produce estrogen. This hormone helps control the menstrual cycle and production of eggs in the Ovaries. During a woman’s menstrual cycle the amount of FSH being released, having it at its highest production of FSH at the end of a cycle before ovulation. 3) Luteinizing hormone: LH secreted by GnRH in the pituitary gland, has similar responsibilities as FSH as they both help regulate menstrual cycles and egg production. Paying close attention to this hormone you will see that there is a drastic increase release on days 15-28 of the cycle. Having such a high release of LH, causes the Corpus luteum to form. Progesterone is produced by the Corpus luteum. Due to such high amounts of release during these day, the anterior pituitary gland is triggered to temporarily stop producing LH.