No conflict of interest ; RED BLOOD CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH (RDW)& IL1Β AS NON INVASIVE PREDICTORS OF LIVER FIBROSIS IN CHRONIC HEPATITIS C PATIENTS GENOTYPE 4 Mahmoud El-Bendary1 , Khaled Farid1, Dina El-Barber2, Mohammed Elnagar33 1Tropical Medicine &Hepatology, Mansoura faculty of medicine 2Fever hospital, Ministry of Health, Domiatte, 3Microbiology& Immunology, Mansoura University , Mansoura, Egypt. Replace with logo Replace with logo Table [1]:Comparison between non invasive tests inearly fibrosis andadvanced fibrosis . Introduction Table[2]:ROC curve for comparison between early fibrosis & advanced fibrosis in IL1β, RDW, Platelets and RPR. Early fibrosis Late fibrosis RDW Mean±SD 113.69±2.36 18.09± 1.74 ≤ 0.0001 RPR 0.07± 0.02 0.11±0.02 IL1 β CONTROL 236.14±55.85 13.40±2.72 339.88±61.94 0.0001 FIB4 Median Minimum Maximum 1.26 0.42 55.21 2.39 0.96 4.96 <0.001 APRI 0 .77 0.25 3.67 1.42 0.66 3.47 Area under the curve Cutoff value Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV Accuracy IL1β 90.9% (85.0%-96.8%) 294.52 86.4% 80.4% 55.8% 95.5% 82% RDW 92.92% (87.7%-98.2%) 16.5 85.9% 63.3% 95.7% 86% Platelets 75.0% (65.6%-84.4%) 196.5 81.8% 62.8% 38.3% 92.5% 67% RPR 92.92,3% (87.1%-97.6%) 0.0897 90.9% 64.5% 97.1% 87% liver biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosis of liver fibrosis but being invasive , a number of non invasive methods has been developed. Red cell distribution width(RDW) has been reported as a predictor of severity and mortality in a variety of pathological conditions including chronic hepatitis B. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in inflammation , angiogenesis and carcinogenesis. Aims & Methods The aim of this work is to use RDW& Interleukin-1β as a marker for non-invasive prediction of the stage of hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C .100 patients with chronic hepatitis C were subjected to routine laboratory & radiological investigations in addition to using KX-21 Sysmex automated hematology analyzer to measure RDW& RPR (RDW%/Platelet ratio). Comparing with other biomarkers of liver fibrosis like APRI (AST-to-Platelet ratio index) FIB-4 equation ( using platelet count, AST, ALT, age) to perform this test. PCR HCV RNA ,genotyping & liver biopsy ( using METAVIR scoring system where cases were classified into early fibrosis (F1+F2):68 patients & late fibrosis (F3+F4) :32 patients]were done. Interleukin-1β was assayed using ELISA for all patients in addition to 20healthy subject as a control group. In conclusion the area under the ROC curve for IL1β,RDW& RPR were excellent but for platelets, FIB-4 & APRI were fair. when applying regression analysis it was found that the RDW (OR:3.903, 95% CI :1.538-9.904) while IL1β (OR:1.057, 95% CI : 1.012-1.104) & Platelets (OR:0953 , 95% CI :0.913-0.995), so as the level of RDW & IL1β increase by one unit the risk late fibrosis will increase by 3.9 & 1.057 on the other hand when the platelets increase by one unit the risk of late fibrosis will decrease by 0.953. . By applying roc curve it was found that the cut off value of RDW was 16.5, with sensitivity 86.4 % specificity 85.9 % & accuracy 86% & the cut off value of the platelets was 196 ,5 with sensitivity 81.8 %, specificity 62.8% accuracy 67%, while RPR cut off value was 0.0897 with sensitivity 90.9 %, specificity 85.9 % & accuracy 87% .As regard APRI test it was found that the cut off value was 40.5with sensitivity 72.7%, specificity 66.7% & accuracy 68% While FIB-4equation showed cut off value 1.685 with sensitivity 77.3 %, specificity 66.7% and accuracy 69% the cut off value of IL1β was 294.52 pg/ml. with sensitivity 86.4% specificity 80.4% & accuracy 82%. Conclusion Results RDW , RPR& IL1β may be used as simple, non-invasive predictors of advanced fibrosis in patients with with chronic HCV genotype-4. RDW & RPR & IL-1β was significantly higher in patients with late fibrosis > early fibrosis (P <0.0001) while platelets count was significantly lower in late fibrosis > early fibrosis (p< 0.001). No conflict of interest Poster No: P:01 Mahmoud El-Bendary - Mansoura Faculty of Mediine - Egypt (Email: cell phone :+201002592205 c P:01