Virtual Integrated Domain Awareness (VIDA) Experiment Mr. Rick Arias Experimentation Program Manager USSOUTHCOM J7-STE (305) 437-1894
Overview Background Capability Gap: Domain Awareness Virtual Integrated Domain Awareness (VIDA) Objectives and Benefits Desired end state Beyond VIDA
Background The lack of comprehensive Domain Awareness is a Capability Gap The Virtual Integrated Domain Awareness (VIDA) Experiment is a Proof-of-Concept activity addressing this Gap VIDA will contribute to development of SOUTHCOM’s Partner Nations Sensor Information Integration (PNSII) initiative. Note: PNSII was previously know as Regional Domain Awareness (RDA)
Capability Gap: Domain Awareness Lack of surveillance / monitoring capabilities in Caribbean and CENTAM Contributing factor to illicit trafficking; potentially impedes air & maritime safety Where sensors exist, cross-domain integration and international sharing do not
Virtual Integrated Domain Awareness (VIDA) Experiment integrating air (radar) and maritime (Automated Information System) sensor networks into a common operational picture First on a national (single country) level Next, link multiple nations for info sharing Leverages Virtual Regional Maritime Traffic Center – Americas (VRMTC-A) and other work Contributes to the development of a comprehensive solution to regional domain awareness challenges
VIDA Multi-Domain Objective Air Traffic Radars Puerto Plata + Maritime Automated Info Systems Multiple domains, one display, one country Punta Cana Las Americas Demonstrate an integrated, multi-domain, virtual common operational picture Demonstrate an integrated, multi-national, virtual common operational picture Span at least two domains: air & maritime (VRMTC-A) Dominican Republic Sensor Sites (Notional Coverage)
VIDA Multi-National Objective Air Traffic Radars Maritime Automated Info Systems Multiple countries, + At least one domain shared Link at least two countries: DOM, JAM, and possible a CENTAM country (TBD) Multi-National Sensor Sites (All coverage notional)
Leveraging SIMON (Smart Integration Manager Ontologically Networked) The primary tool/platform selected for VIDA Developed for NAVAIR by SRI Government-owned, non-propriety, open platform Operational today integrating multiple services/sources Sensor processing, sensor resource management, track fusion, kinematic anomaly detection, graphic user interface (GUI), user identity and entitlement, discovery, logging, air and maritime track manager, camera control, configuration, real-time video… VIDA mods to SIMON include… VIDA GUI, Integrate live CD-2 data (common digitizer protocol), 2 & 3D geospatial alerts, synchronized chat, geo-event functionality, etc. 8
VIDA Benefits Virtual National/Multi National Cooperation Low Cost Use Existing Sensors & Command/Control Facilities Common Operational Picture of at least 2 Domains More Comprehensive Surveillance Capability National/Multi National Cooperation Shared Monitoring of Potential Illicit Activities Enhanced Military/Law Enforcement Interdiction Search and Rescue Missions Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Relief
Experiment End State Demonstrated Proof of Concept Deliver potential operational capability Transition residuals to support PNSII and/or other domain awareness initiatives
Beyond VIDA Operational foundation for PNSII Potentially a scalable baseline capability Integrating more PNs, sensors, sources, tools ‘Migrate-able’ to addition geographic or virtual regions Potential to add significant functionality and efficiency Source and sensor gap analysis and optimization Anomalous behavior identification tools Pattern analysis…historical and real-time Decision aids Resource allocation models and optimization Many more… 11
VIDA Points of Contact Primary: Alternate: Mr. Rick Arias USSOUTHCOM J7-STE +1-305-437-1894 Alternate: Major Jean Richardson USSOUTHCOM J7-STE +1-305-437-1460